

Daniel Krewski

Daniel Krewski

Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine
University of Ottawa

Chair title

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Risk Science

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Chairholder since 2002


The NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Risk Science will conduct a broad program of research and training in risk science, particularly with respect to the assessment and management of population health risks associated with technological developments of concern to Canadian industry. The program involves the development and application of methods for characterizing risks, as well as the analysis of options for managing those risks. A knowledge transfer component is included in order to promote the use of evidence-based risk management strategies for addressing risks of national and international concern.

The program will promote the development of risk science, a field that remains underdeveloped in Canada. More specifically, the Chair will:
  • conduct a comprehensive program of research designed to develop methodologies for the assessment of technological and other risks of importance to Canadians;
  • conduct systematic assessments of the risks associated with specific technologies such as wireless telecommunications, commercial chemicals and therapeutic products used by Canadian industry;
  • develop principles to guide risk management decision making; and
  • develop risk communication and knowledge transfer strategies for risk issues for which a comprehensive assessment of risk has been completed.
The Chair will also work with both scientists and policy makers in the federal government, thereby helping to ensure that the best available methods for risk analysis and risk decision making are used in addressing risk issues of importance to Canadians. The research program of the Chair will ultimately benefit Canadian society by seeking to find ways to reduce, minimize and even prevent risks using a range of regulatory, economic, advisory, technological and community based approaches to risk management.


  • Cerner Corporation
  • Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association
  • Hydro One
  • International Copper Association
  • American Chemistry Council
  • Canadian Chemical Producers Association
  • International Aluminium Institute
  • European Aluminium Association
  • Afton Chemical

Statement of Research Independence

Although the Chair interacts with the industrial sponsors on technical aspects of the research program, the scientific opinions and conclusions expressed in research publications by the Chair are the responsibility of the Chair alone.

Contact information

Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine
University of Ottawa
R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine
600 Peter Morand Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 3Z7

Tel.: 613-562-5381
Fax: 613-562-5380


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