

Simon Li

Simon Li

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of Calgary

Chair title

NSERC Chair in Design Engineering

Chair program

Chairs in Design Engineering Program


Associate Chairholder since 2016


This Chair in Design Engineering is focused on improving the level and quality of design engineering at the University of Calgary by enhancing student training and by developing innovative instrumentation, measurement and control system designs. The training component of the program focuses on professional skills development. At the undergraduate level, we focus on developing both technical and “soft” professional skills in the context of design experiences, with the goal of spanning the curriculum–an approach called a “professional spine”. Graduate student training focuses on developing engineering and research capabilities in both engineering design and engineering education, with particular support for the program’s research in engineering education. The design and development component of the program focuses on new and improved design approaches to enhance the design of sensing and control systems for the energy industry. This area of research is complementary to our main industrial partner’s business and the chairholders’ research and industrial experience. Beyond the research outcomes, the industry partner is also interested in innovative graduates who are technically competent and maturely engaged in design activities.

To sustain the positive influence of design education, we are establishing a Design Engineering Centre to support the development of our “professional spine” curriculum. The centre also hosts industry experts and design educators with various backgrounds for meetings, seminars and conferences. In addition, the Annual Design Open House and Design Engineering Competition will be organized to engage industry, communities and elementary and secondary students, and to promote the societal impacts of engineering design. 


  • Spartan Controls Ltd.
  • Suncor Energy

Contact information

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of Calgary



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