Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
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Liste des bourses - Candidats d'universités étrangères - 2019

Bourses d’études supérieures et bourses postdoctorales du CRSNG
Prog Nom Université actuelle Département Lieu de validité proposé ?=aucune décision) Domaine
ES D3 Rasera, Joshua Imperial Col of Sci, Tech and Med Earth Science and Engineering, Royal School of Mines Imperial Col of Sci, Tech and Med MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSING
BESC D3 Bairos-Novak, Kevin James Cook U of North Queensland ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies James Cook U of North Queensland EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY
ES D2 Davidson, Jennilee Macquarie University Head Office Macquarie University MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
BESC D3 Tse, Joyce The Chinese University of Hong Kong Head Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong GENETICS
ES D2 Ogden, Michael The University of Melbourne Head Office The University of Melbourne PLANT AND TREE BIOLOGY
BESC D3 Poologaindran, Anujan University of Cambridge Neuroscience University of Cambridge Behavioural neuroscience
ES D2 Siu, Jacqueline University of Cambridge Head Office University of Cambridge Immunology
ES D3 Doherty, Jean-François University of Otago Zoology University of Otago Behaviour
ES D2 Phillips, Jessica University of Oxford Zoology University of Oxford Behaviour
ES D3 Rogova, Tatiana University of Oxford Chemistry Research Laboratory University of Oxford ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
ES D3 Ghoussoub, Joseph University of Oxford Materials University of Oxford MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
ES D3 Tang, Yuqing University of Oxford Engineering Science University of Oxford ROBOTICS
ES D3 Kukowski, Charlotte University of Zurich Head Office British Columbia Cognitive science -- fundamental
ES D2 Mueller, Anna Vienna University Head Office Vienna University Microbial ecology
BESC D3 Kerkovius, Jeffrey California Institute of Technology Chemistry California Institute of Technology ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
ES D3 Langley, Matthew California Institute of Technology Biology, Division of California Institute of Technology CELL BIOLOGY
ES D3 Sun, Jennifer Jianing California Institute of Technology Engineering and Applied Science, Division of California Institute of Technology ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Computer Vision, use
ES D3 Kamal, Omar California Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering California Institute of Technology FLUID MECHANICS
BESC D3 Abernethy, Samuel Stanford University Applied Physics Stanford University Medical Physics
BESC D3 Toews, Alexander Richard Stanford University Electrical Engineering Stanford University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
ES D2 Mohaddes Khorassani, Danyal Stanford University Mechanical Engineering Stanford University FLUID MECHANICS
ES D3 Pu, Christine Stanford University Civil and Environmental Engineering Stanford University ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
BESC D3 Zhu, Rebecca University of California - Berkeley Psychology University of California - Berkeley PSYCHOLOGY
ES D3 Moidu, Hana University of California - Berkeley Environmental Sc., Policy and Mgt University of California - Berkeley Aquatic ecology and limnology
ES D3 Yao, Yuan University of California - Berkeley Mathematics University of California - Berkeley PURE MATHEMATICS
ES D3 Handford, Rex University of California - Berkeley Chemistry University of California - Berkeley INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
ES D3 Fung, King Long Barry University of California - Berkeley Bioengineering University of California - Berkeley ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
ES D3 Rett, Alexandra University of California - San Diego Psychology University of California - San Diego Cognitive science -- development
ES D2 Dascher-Cousineau, Kelian University of California - Santa Cruz Earth & Planetary Sciences University of California - Santa Cruz GEOPHYSICS
ES D2 Cicchino, Amanda Colorado State University Biology Colorado State University EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY
BESC D2 Chintalapati, Pranav University of Colorado at Boulder Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
BESC D3 Kazbekov, Askar Georgia Institute of Technology Aerospace Engineering, Daniel Guggenheim School of Georgia Institute of Technology Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine
ES D2 Yoo, Youngho Georgia Institute of Technology Mathematics, School of Georgia Institute of Technology PURE MATHEMATICS
ES D3 Kotwicz Herniczek, Mark Georgia Institute of Technology Aerospace Engineering, Daniel Guggenheim School of Georgia Institute of Technology Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine
BESC D2 Deschamps, Jude Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS
BESC D2 Gordon, Jesse Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology MICROBIOLOGY
BESC D2 Yamanidouzisorkhabi, Sami Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
BESC D3 Krupa, Jeffrey Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Particle physics
BESC D3 Sharma, Sugandha Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brain & Cognitive Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cognitive science -- fundamental
ES D3 Mathews, Abhilash Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology PHYSICS
ES D3 Marando, Victoria Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology BIOCHEMISTRY
ES D3 Patil, Jatin Massachusetts Institute of Technology Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
ES D3 Larocque, Hugo Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Photonic devices and networks
BESC D3 Patel, Tirthak Northeastern University Electrical and Computer Engineering Northeastern University Software and development
ES D3 Pant, Aagnik University of Michigan Head Office University of Michigan PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
ES D2 Goodwin, Katharine Princeton University Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University Biophysics
ES D2 Sun, Emily Wei-Hsin Princeton University Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
BESC D2 Wang, Fang Zheng Cornell University Biological Statistics and Computational Biology Cornell University BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
ES D3 Cashore, J Massey Cornell University Operations Research and Information Engineering, School of Cornell University Operations research and management science
ES D3 Janmohamed, Alyf Cornell University Operations Research and Information Engineering, School of Cornell University Operations research and management science
ES D3 Jin, Billy Cornell University Operations Research and Information Engineering, School of Cornell University Operations research and management science
BESC D3 Froese, Graden Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment & Earth Sciences Duke University Wildlife management
ES D3 Sinclair, Alyssa Duke University Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Duke University PSYCHOLOGY
ES D3 Yi, Lu U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Head Office U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY
ES D2 ZHANG, YUMIN Carnegie Mellon University (US) Material Science and Engineering Carnegie Mellon University (US) MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
ES D3 Itkin, David Carnegie Mellon University (US) Mathematical Sciences Carnegie Mellon University (US) APPLIED MATHEMATICS
BESC D3 Balachandran, Katiyayni University of Texas at Arlington Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Arlington Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engine
BESC D3 Tran, Patricia University of Wisconsin - Madison Bacteriology University of Wisconsin - Madison Microbial ecology
BP Buchkowski, Robert Yale University Forestry and Environmental Studies Western Ontario Terrestrial ecology
BP Mayrand, Maxence University of Oxford Mathematical Institute ? PURE MATHEMATICS
BP Behan, Connor Stony Brook University Physics ? Particle physics
BP Nishida, Robert University of Cambridge Engineering Alberta MECHANICAL ENGINEERING