Discover / Explore /

Dare to experiment, to answer the unexplained, unanticipated and intriguing. Use the freedom to explore beyond the edges and make discoveries. Get bold.

GENDER-NET Plus – Promoting gender equality

Integrating sex and gender analysis into research related to infrastructure, industrialization and innovation, and climate action using an interdisciplinary approach.

Discovery Frontiers

Funding for major research challenges. Past competitions on big data/genomics, energy and materials and the North. $4M over 4 years.

CREATE - Collaborative Research and Training Experience

A collaborative and interdisciplinary research platform that offers a unique training experience for students (undergraduate, master's, doctoral) and research professionals (postdoctoral). Focus on providing in-demand professional skills to complement technical research skills. Up to 6 years with a maximum of $1.65M over entire period.

Belmont Forum

Bringing together natural sciences, social sciences and citizens to investigate sustainability challenges and opportunities.

Emerging Infectious Diseases Modelling

Establish multi-disciplinary network(s) of specialists across the country in modelling infectious diseases to be applied to public needs associated with emerging infectious diseases and pandemics such as COVID-19.

Northern Research Supplements

Going North? Additional funding for Discovery Grant holders to cover extra logistical costs unique to doing research in the Canadian North. Up to $125K over 5 years.

Knowledge Synthesis Grant competition: Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity

Knowledge Synthesis Grants support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and the identification of knowledge gaps to inform the development of tools, policies and practices required for a sustainable future.

Human Frontier Science Program

An international program of research support that funds leading-edge research in life sciences across a variety of national boundaries and scientific disciplines.

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