Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Research Portal

Research Portal

NSERC's Research Portal provides a single point of entry for all of our interactions with applicants, reviewers, committee members, institutions and partners.
Who are you?

The transition to the Research Portal and the NSERC Common CV (CCV) is being phased in gradually. We will keep the community informed of the implementation schedule.
For now, some programs still use the On-line System.

Contact the On-line Services Helpdesk.
We are committed to providing quality service and thank you for your collaboration.

  1. Complete the NSERC Common CV (CCV)

    Once data is entered, your CCV can be re-used for future applications to NSERC and other participating organizations.

  2. Apply for Funding on NSERC's Research Portal

    The portal manages application and peer review processes, acceptance of awards, notification of results and reporting.