Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information

Introduction to Info Source

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It provides individuals and employees of the government (current and former) with relevant information to access personal information about them held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

The Introduction and an Index of institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.

General Information


The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is a key factor in making Canada a leading country of discovery and innovation. NSERC aims to maximize the value of public investments in research and development (R&D) and to advance the prosperity and quality of life of all Canadians.

In today’s highly competitive global economy, NSERC plays a central role in supporting Canada’s innovation ecosystem. NSERC supports research that benefits all Canadians. By connecting this innovative research to industry through its partnership initiatives, NSERC also makes it easier for the private sector to collaborate with academia and access the wealth of resources Canada’s first-rate academic system has to offer.

Canada’s future discoverers and innovators can realize their full potential with the support of NSERC’s scholarships and fellowships programs, along with funding provided through discovery and partnership awards.

NSERC is also actively working to enhance the profile of Canadian research through national and international promotional activities and by connecting with industry.


NSERC is a departmental corporation of the Government of Canada created in 1978. It is funded directly by Parliament and reports to it through the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. NSERC’s Council is composed of a President and up to 18 other distinguished members selected from the private and public sectors. NSERC’s President is the Chief Executive Officer. The elected Vice-President is the Chair of the Council and of its Executive Committee. NSERC’s Council is advised on policy matters by various standing committees. Funding decisions are made by the President, or designate, on the basis of recommendations made by peer review committees. The functions of NSERC, based on the authority and responsibility assigned to it under the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act (1976-1977, c.24), are to:

  • promote and assist research in the natural sciences and engineering, other than the health sciences; and
  • advise the Minister in respect of such matters relating to such research as the Minister may refer to NSERC for its consideration.

NSERC supports more than 11,000 of the most creative and productive Canadian university professors, over 30,000 highly qualified postgraduate students and fellows, and partners with more than 3,500 Canadian firms to transfer knowledge that creates economic wealth.

Additional information on NSERC’s responsibilities can be found here.

Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in natural sciences and engineering.

People: Research, Talent

This Program supports the attraction, retention and development of highly qualified people in the natural sciences and engineering in Canada through Chairs programs, fellowships, scholarships and stipends. These activities are essential to building the human capital required to enable a strong, globally competitive research and innovation system in Canada. Researchers, students and young people benefit from the grant funding which supports postsecondary university research and outreach activities at universities, museums, science centres and community-based organizations.

Science and engineering promotion

This sub-program stimulates the public’s interest in science, math, and engineering and encourages the next generation of students to consider careers in these fields, helping to ensure that Canada has an ongoing supply of future discoverers and innovators. These activities are necessary as Canada has fewer university students enrolled in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines and fewer doctoral students graduating and working in these fields, relative to most Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. NSERC awards grants to support activities of community based organizations, museums, science centres and universities that stimulate the interest of young people and students and improve school performance in science and mathematics, notably groups that are underrepresented in the natural sciences and engineering, such as women and Aboriginals. In addition, NSERC offers several prizes that recognize and highlight Canadian achievements in training, research, and innovation.

Science and Engineering Promotion Programs

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC awards for science promotion and NSERC prizes. Information includes documents submitted by organizations to request support for science promotion initiatives. It also includes files related to the nomination and awarding of specific prizes. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendations, reviews, evaluations, spreadsheets, financial statements, research plans, budgets, committee reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, invitations, communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6780 5390

Scholarships and fellowships

This sub-program supports a significant number of students at various stages of their university studies. At the undergraduate level, support for 16-week research internships in universities aims to nurture and develop students’ aptitudes towards research in the natural sciences and engineering and encourage them to undertake graduate studies and pursue a research career in these fields. At the postgraduate level, students earn a Master's or Doctoral degree in a domestic and/or foreign institution, sometimes after having spent time in an industrial setting. NSERC also supports the development of innovative training programs that encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, address significant scientific challenges associated to Canada's research priorities, include the acquisition of professional skills, and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce. Postdoctoral Fellowships provide support to promising Doctoral graduates to further their research training in Canada or abroad.

Scholarship and Fellowship Programs

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC scholarships and fellowships, including international programs, which provide support to high-caliber students engaged in undergraduate research, postgraduate or postdoctoral studies in the natural sciences or engineering. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendations, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, research plans, budgets, committee reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC - 6600 to 6899

International Programs Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to NSERC's Bilateral Exchange Awards, NSERC Foreign Researcher Awards, Grants for Research Abroad, CIDA/NSERC Research Associateships and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships Program. It contains information supplied by participants on their post-secondary education, professional experience and research proposals, and may include third-party assessments. The bank contains administrative and financial documentation generated in the administration of the awards.

Class of Individuals: Participants in NSERC's international programs and individuals who provide assessments of proposals.

Purpose:All personal information related to applicants is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
TBS Registration: 002576
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 070

Scholarships and Fellowships Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to the adjudication and administration of NSERC's scholarships and fellowships programs including Undergraduate Student Research Awards, Postgraduate Scholarships, Industrial Postgraduate Scholarships, Postgraduate Scholarships in Science Librarianship and Documentation, 1967 Science and Engineering Scholarships, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Industrial Research Fellowships, and NATO Science Fellowships. It contains details of applicant's post-secondary education and, in some cases, professional experience. It includes ratings, assessments, recommendations and decisions. The bank also contains the administrative and financial documentation generated in the administration of these awards.

Class of Individuals: Applicants for NSERC scholarships and fellowships and third parties who provide assessment of applicants' suitability for these awards.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC - 6600 to 6899
TBS Registration: 002575
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 065

Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to the granting of Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government laboratories administered by NSERC on behalf of a number of federal departments and agencies. It also contains information on NSERC International Fellowships offered in Canadian Universities. The bank contains details of applicants' post-secondary education and professional experience. It may contain information on an applicant's marital status and the number and ages of children, and other personal information, in cases where NSERC is involved in arranging travel and insurance. It includes assessments of applications, as well as recommendations and decisions. The bank also contains the administrative and financial documentation generated in the administration of awards.

Class of Individuals: Canadian citizens and researchers from other countries who participate in the program of Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories or the Canada International Fellowships Program, and third parties who provide references and assessments of applicants' suitability for awards.

Purpose: Information in the bank is used to review applications and to monitor and administer awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 6600 – 6899
TBS Registration: 002579
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 085

Register of Canadians Studying Abroad Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information on the professional qualifications of Canadians who are doing postgraduate or postdoctoral work in the natural sciences or engineering in foreign universities and institutes and who have registered with NSERC so that their availability may be made known to participating Canadian employers who require qualified research personnel. Information includes name, address, current field of study or research, and details of post-secondary education.

Class of Individuals: Canadian graduate and postgraduate students studying or working in foreign countries who have registered with NSERC.

Purpose: Information in the bank is used to facilitate the return to Canada of highly qualified scientists and engineers to meet the needs of Canadian employers.

Consistent Uses: NSERC uses the information in the Register to evaluate its programs and to produce statistics and planning information. NSERC also searches the electronic database file associated with the Scholarships and Fellowships Personal Information Bank to identify potential registrants from among scholars receiving NSERC support. These individuals are then contacted and invited to register.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Information is retained for 15 fiscal years.
RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 6600 - 6899
TBS Registration: 002577
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 075

Alexander graham bell canada graduate scholarships

This sub-program provides financial support to outstanding eligible scholars pursuing Master's or Doctoral studies in a Canadian university. This program is necessary to ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified personnel to meet the needs of Canada's knowledge economy. Supplementary funding is available in the form of Foreign Study Supplements to select recipients of Canada Graduate Scholarships to build global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional, short term research experiences at research institutions outside of Canada.

Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships Program

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of the Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships, which are offered through national competitions to the top-tier applicants for NSERC postgraduate scholarships. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendations, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, research plans, budgets, committee reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, and communications materials

Record Number: NSERC 6635 – 6640

Vanier Canada graduate scholarships

This sub-program provides financial support to students who have achieved exceptional success in their studies and who demonstrate high potential in the pursuit of a doctoral program in a Canadian university. Both Canadian and international students are eligible for a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. This program is necessary to attract and retain world class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies, as well as leadership skills. A high level steering committee, assisted by international review committees, ensures that the best and brightest students are chosen as recipients of the scholarships. Awards allow students to fully concentrate on their studies and work with the best research mentors in their chosen field in Canada.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Programs 

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, which are awarded through a national competition to top doctoral candidates that have been nominated by their research institutions. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendations, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, research plans, budgets, committee reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6866

banting postdoctoral fellowships

This sub-program supports postdoctoral researchers from Canada and abroad in order to attract the very best postdoctoral fellows to further their training and carry out research in Canada. Up to 25 percent of these awards can be held abroad to allow Canadian postdoctoral fellows the opportunity to gain valuable international experience. This program helps reinforce Canada’s standing as a global player in research excellence and higher learning and as a destination of choice for the most gifted students and researchers. The high level of support provided ensures that these fellowships are internationally competitive. Awards provide a two-year stipend to the recipient.

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, which are available to the highest ranked candidates for postdoctoral awards. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendation, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, research plans, budgets, committee reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, and communications materials.
Record Number:  NSERC 6620

Canada research chairs

This sub-program provides support to research chairs in the form of salary and research funding to attract and retain some of the world's most accomplished and promising minds. This program assists Canadian universities, together with their affiliated research institutes and hospitals, achieve the highest levels of research excellence and to become world class research centres in today’s global, knowledge based economy. Eligible nominees are full professors or associate professors and emerging scholars who may range from recent Doctoral graduates to associate professors. National and international researchers can be chair holders.

Canada Research Chairs Program

Description: Includes records related to the awarding and administration of Canada Research Chair awards. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendation, institutional strategic research plans, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, budgets, committee reports, activity reports, annual reports, final reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 5230

Canada excellence research chairs

This sub-program offers eligible Canadian degree granting institutions the opportunity to establish highly remunerated research chairs at their institutions in research areas of strategic importance to Canada, including but not limited to: environmental sciences and technologies; natural resources and energy; health and related life sciences and technologies; and information and communication technologies, including the digital economy. This program is necessary to attract the highest caliber of researchers for Canada's future prosperity.

Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program

Description: Includes records related to the awarding and administration of Canada Excellence Research Chair awards. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendation, institutional strategic research plans, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, budgets, committee reports, activity reports, annual reports, final reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 5625

Discovery:  Advancement of Knowledge

This program supports the creation of new knowledge and maintenance of a high quality Canadian-based research capacity in the natural sciences and engineering through grants to researchers and universities. The advancement of knowledge generated by these grants is necessary to fuel a strong research and innovation system in Canada that is globally competitive. Academic researchers and universities receive funding to support the timely acceleration of research programs, the purchase or development of research equipment, or to facilitate their access to major and unique research resources.

Discovery research

This sub-program promotes and enables global excellence in discovery research in Canada. NSERC’s discovery based grants support long term, ongoing programs of research as well as shorter term research projects. NSERC also offers substantial and timely additional resources to select researchers in order to accelerate progress and maximize the impact of their research program. In addition, NSERC supports a limited number of large international activities, opportunities, or projects that are of high priority in the context of advanced research in Canada. These are led by world class Canadian researchers and are comprised of teams that will generate substantial impact for the benefit of Canada. Having a solid capacity for basic research across a broad spectrum of natural sciences and engineering disciplines is necessary to ensure that Canada remains at the leading edge of knowledge creation. It ensures that Canada can access and exploit science and technology developments from other countries, and forms the foundation for innovation and the training of the next generation of scientists and engineers.

Discovery Research Programs

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC Discovery grants, which support the conduct of programs of research by eligible faculty in academic research institutions. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, notifications, application files, financial statements, research plans and proposals, budgets, letters of support, external reviews, evaluation group reports and assessments, spreadsheets, audits, surveys, correspondence, committee reports, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number:  NSERC 5810 - 5840

General Support Programs Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains applications, forms and correspondence related to NSERC's research support and other programs which provide support for research personnel. This would include the Attachés de recherche du CRSNG, the E.W.R. Steacie Fellowships, and some Miscellaneous Grants. Files may contain details of applicant's post-secondary education, professional experience, referee and selection committee assessments, and NSERC’s decisions. They may also contain administrative and financial documents related to the administration of awards.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who participate in NSERC's Research Support and other general support programs and third parties from whom NSERC has requested assessments of proposals.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the files are kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 5810 – 5840
TBS Registration: 002574
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 060

Research Grants Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to individual, group and project discovery grant applications submitted by researchers who hold academic appointments in eligible Canadian academic institutions. It also includes information related to the administration of these types of awards. It includes details of applicants' post-secondary education and professional experience, proposals, referee and selection committee assessments, and NSERC’s decisions.

Class of Individuals: Applicants and co-applicants for NSERC research, tools and instruments, facilities and infrastructure, ship time, collaborative projects and special research opportunities grants and third-party reviewers from whom NSERC has requested assessments of proposals.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants and co-applicants is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 5810 - 5840
TBS Registration: 002581
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 095

Research equipment and resources

This Sub-Program supports the purchase or development of research equipment and the maintenance of unique research resources. Funds are also used to facilitate researchers’ access to major and unique research resources in Canada and abroad. Grants are awarded through a competitive peer review process. This activity is necessary because, in addition to funds to carry out research, top scientists and engineers need state of the art equipment and resources to conduct research and training at world class levels. Access to equipment and resources plays an important role in attracting the best minds to Canada and keeping them here.

Research Equipment and Resources Program

Description: Includes records related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC Research Equipment grants and grants that support research resources. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on the applicants, nominees, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, quotations, research plans, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 4400 – 4565

Research Grants Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to individual, group and project discovery grant applications submitted by researchers who hold academic appointments in eligible Canadian academic institutions. It also includes information related to the administration of these types of awards. It includes details of applicants' and co-applicants’ post-secondary education and professional experience, proposals, referee and selection committee assessments, and NSERC’s decisions.

Class of Individuals: Applicants for NSERC research, tools and instruments, facilities and infrastructure, ship time, collaborative projects and special research opportunities grants and third-party reviewers from whom NSERC has requested assessments of proposals.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants and co-applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last financial activity in the group. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 4400 – 4565
TBS Registration: 002581
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 095

Innovation: Research Partnerships

This program fosters partnerships in the natural sciences and engineering and facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills to the user sector through awards that support research projects and network activities intended for socioeconomic impact. The partnerships encouraged and enabled by these awards increase the commercialization of Canada’s excellent research into new products, services and processes for the benefit of all Canadians.

Research in strategic areas

This sub-program supports research projects and activities in selected areas of national importance and in emerging areas that are of potential significance to Canada. This program is necessary to take advantage of Canada’s established excellence in research and innovation, and to build capacity in areas that are critical to the Canadian economy. NSERC invests in research areas that have been carefully selected as strategic priorities for the country. These investments support a range of activities such as research projects and networks. Funded activities share the common goal of connecting researchers with end users in order to enable the transfer of knowledge/technology and expertise that increases Canadian prosperity.

Research in Strategic Areas Program

Description: Includes information related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC activities that support research in areas that are of strategic importance to Canada. Files contain information on Strategic Partnerships Grants for Projects and Strategic Partnerships Grants for Networks, including information related to policies and procedures, information on applicants, co-applicants and partners, research plans, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, plans, documents related to incorporation, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, agreements, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6077 - 6088

Strategic Projects Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to applications received from researchers in Canadian academic institutions for support under the Strategic Projects program and information related to the administration of these awards. It includes details of applicants', co-applicants’ and partners’ post-secondary education, professional experience, and research proposals as well as referee and selection panel assessments, and NSERC’s decisions.

Class of Individuals: Applicants, co-applicants and partners for NSERC Strategic Project support and third-party reviewers from whom NSERC has requested assessments of applications.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants, co-applicants and partners is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 6077 – 6088
TBS Registration: 002578
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 080

Industry-driven collaborative research and development

This sub-program fosters collaborations between university researchers and industry, as well as other sectors, to develop and transfer new knowledge to Canadian based organizations. It offers a range of industry driven programs that stimulate innovation in the Canadian economy and encourage greater science and technology investment by the private sector. These partnership programs and projects address real world challenges that are relevant to industry, help build sustainable relationships between the two sectors, and connect people and skills.

Industry-driven Collaborative Research and Development Programs

Description: Information related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC activities that support the research requirements of Canadian companies. Includes information on Chairs in Design Engineering, Collaborative Research and Development Grants, Engage Grants, Industrial Research Chairs, and Connect Grants. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on applicants, co-applicants and partners, recruitment, research plans, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, nominations, application files, plans, inventories, documents related to incorporation, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, agreements, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6215 – 6440

Collaborative Research Initiatives Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information related to applications for support of collaborative research initiatives submitted by individuals who hold academic appointments in eligible Canadian academic institutions. It also contains information related to the administration of these types of awards. It includes details of applicants' post-secondary education, professional experience, and proposals, as well as referee and committee assessments, recommendations, reports and decisions.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who apply to NSERC for support of collaborative projects and third parties from whom NSERC has requested assessments of the applications.

Purpose: All personal information is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last competition cycle. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 6215 - 6440
TBS Registration: 002573
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 055

Research Partnerships Programs Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains information on individuals participating in NSERC's Research Partnerships Programs which promote collaboration between universities and companies or universities and government researchers. This bank includes university-industry programs, research networks, as well as chair and faculty support programs. Files may include details of applicants', co-applicants’ and partners’ post-secondary education, professional experience, and research proposals. They may also include references and assessments by third parties, committee recommendations, NSERC's decisions and documentation generated in the administration of awards.

Class of Individuals: Participants in NSERC's research partnerships programs and individuals from whom NSERC has requested expert assessments of applications and proposals.

Purpose: All personal information related to applicants, co-applicants and partners is used to review applications and to administer and monitor awards and programs.

Consistent Uses: Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that personal information about them held by NSERC may be used and disclosed in the following ways: As part of peer review, applications are disclosed to selection committees composed of experts recruited from the academic, private and public sectors. In some cases, applications may also be reviewed by external referees, members of ad hoc review committees or site visit committees. Reviews and selection committee comments about a proposal are accessible to co-applicants; NSERC uses personal information about applicants in its files and databases to identify prospective committee members or reviewers for specific grant scholarship or fellowship applications; because NSERC has corporate databases, NSERC staff are generally aware of applications submitted by the same individual to different NSERC programs. Some selection committees are provided with multi-year summaries of an individual's NSERC applications and awards in all programs. In cases when, for example, there is a question of possible overlap in the support of an applicant's research activities by two or more NSERC programs, application material submitted to one program may be used during the review of an application submitted to another program. Similarly, applications may be disclosed to program staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the purposes of determining the most appropriate funding jurisdiction or to monitor overlap in federal support; NSERC routinely publishes and disseminates certain details about awarded applications. These include name of the applicant(s), award type, amount awarded, institution and department, the discipline or field of research, the project title and, a summary of the research proposal prepared by the applicant for public reference; Files and databases containing personal information may also be used by NSERC for program planning, evaluation and review and in audits and for generating statistics for these activities; Information submitted to NSERC is subject to the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and may be used and disclosed consistent with that policy; NSERC collects data on the gender of applicants on a voluntary basis only and uses it to promote the increased participation of women in NSERC programs and on NSERC committees; NSERC also uses the information in its files and databases to generate mailing lists in order to disseminate its publications and other information to the research community; Contact information that is provided during the registration process of the NSERC On-line System is used by NSERC technical staff to identify and contact users when routine systems monitoring reveals that they may require technical assistance.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Program case files are managed in groups based on competitions. Applications that receive funding are retained for fifteen fiscal years after the last financial activity in the group. After this fifteen-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for fifteen years after the year of the competition and are then destroyed; except applications where the NSERC decision was challenged, in which case the file is kept on site.

RDA Number: RDA 2002-007
Related Record Number: NSERC 6215 - 6440
TBS Registration: 002580
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 090

Networks of centres of excellence

This sub-program fosters partnerships among universities, industry, government, and not for profit organizations. This program helps to harness the creativity and inventiveness of the best minds in various disciplines and sectors to find solutions to critical issues of importance to Canada using internationally competitive research, building on multi sectoral partnerships; and, accelerating the use of multidisciplinary research results by organizations that can use them for economic, social, and environmental benefit. The program is jointly administered by the three federal granting agencies through the Network Centres of Excellence Secretariat, led by NSERC. The networks supported through this program operate as virtual institutes to carry out research and knowledge/technology transfer activities among the participating organizations. The networks put in place well defined strategies to transfer knowledge to users, ensuring that discoveries and technological advances are turned into social and economic benefits for all Canadians. The networks supported by this activity are designed to develop Canada's economy and improve the quality of life of Canadians.

Networks of Centres of Excellence Programs

Description: Information related to the development, administration and delivery of awards for Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), and Business-led Networks of Centres of Excellence (BL-NCE) large-scale research networks that harness the creativity and inventiveness of Canadian health, natural, and social scientists and engineers. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, funding agreements, information on applicants, co-applicants and partners, research plans, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, plans, agreements, inventories, documents related to incorporation, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, agreements, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6055 - 6062

Training in industry

This sub-program supports students and recent graduates during short or longer term research internships in Canadian companies. The support allows them to gain Research and Development experience in industry and encourages them to consider careers in industry. Canadian companies benefit from the advanced research skills of these trainees and gain access to new knowledge in their area of activity. The awards are leveraged by the host company, which contributes to the salary of the student or fellow. The program supports an increase in the number of highly qualified people in Canadian industry to strengthen Canadian innovation.

Training in Industry Programs

Description: Includes information related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC awards that enable high-caliber science and engineering students to gain experience in industrial research environments. The information related to Industrial Postgraduate Scholarships, Industrial Research and Development Fellowships, and Industrial Research and Development Internships. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on applicants, companies, nominations, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, application files, nominations, correspondence, support letters and recommendations, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, financial statements, research plans, budgets, reports, presentations, audits, surveys, briefing notes, communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6030 – 6039

Commercialization of research

This sub-program supports the development of commercially promising technologies and promotes the transfer of knowledge and technologies to Canadian companies for commercialization. Strengthening Canada’s record in commercialization is necessary to achieve business growth, job creation, and a stronger, more resilient economy. By means of grants awarded through competitive peer review processes, the NSERC aims to support the development of pre competitive technologies and to help build the capacity of Canadian universities and colleges to work with industry and fuel economic growth. Federal investments serve to leverage significant amounts of private funding.

Commercialization of Research Programs

Description: Information related to the development, administration and delivery of NSERC activities that support and promote the commercialization of research results, including Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research and Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on applicants, co-applicants, partners and companies, recruitment, research plans, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards, and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, nominations, application files, plans, inventories, documents related to incorporation, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, agreements, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6010 – 6036

College and community innovation

This sub-program increases the capacity of colleges and polytechnics to support innovation at the community and/or regional level. The program design and funding stimulate new partnerships and increased entrepreneurship and assist colleges and polytechnics to take risks and be nimble in developing new ways of working with local businesses and industries to spur innovation and economic growth. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: College and Community Innovation Program, College University Idea to Innovation, and the Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges.

College and Community Innovation Programs

Description: Information related to the development, administration of activities that increase the research capacity of Canadian colleges. Includes information on awards designed to support the unique requirements of colleges, including: Applied Research and Development Grants, Engage Grants, Innovation Enhancement Grants, Industrial Research Chairs for colleges, Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants. Files contain information related to policies and procedures, information on applicants, co-applicants and partners, colleges, companies, recruitment, research plans, review processes and peer reviewers, decisions, the administration of awards and the governance and accountability rules for these awards.

Document Types: Guides and instructions, nominations, application files, plans, inventories, budgets, letters of support, reviews, spreadsheets, evaluations, agreements, financial statements, audits, surveys, correspondence, reports, presentations, briefing notes and communications materials.

Record Number: NSERC 6006 - 6432

Internal Services

Internal services constitute groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Acquisition Services

Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Legal services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.


Description: Records related to the coordination of legal and parliamentary requirements; to the management of Council meetings and the administration of the network of committees that form the basis of NSERC's operations; to the coordination of Council membership and the approval of appointments to standing and selection committees; to the coordination of NSERC program literature, of the operation of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, of policies on eligibility of researchers and research institutions, as well as of ethical and regulatory issues related to research.

Document Types: Terms of reference, membership nominations, CVs, agenda, minutes of Council and its committees, policy records related to program literature, eligibility, environmental assessment, ethics, access to information and privacy, and other legal and regulatory matters.

Record Number: NSERC 006

Compliance - Responsible Conduct of Research

Description: This bank includes correspondence and reports collected and generated in the course of monitoring institutional and individual compliance with NSERC's policies, notably the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research. It may include allegations of non-compliance, requests from NSERC to research institutions to explore allegations, summaries of institutional findings and actions taken by NSERC.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who make allegations about breaches of agency policy, individuals who are the subject of allegations, officials in research institutions or in the academic community involved in determining whether allegations are well-founded.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to monitor the compliance of research institutions and individual researchers with the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and other agency policies.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with academic institutions, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Personal Information Bank no. CIHR PPU 050) or Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Personal Information Bank No. SSHRC PPU 082) and other granting agencies for the purpose of monitoring the compliance of research institutions and individual researchers with the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research and other policies.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development
RDA Number: MIDA 2015/003
Related Record Number: NSERC 006

TBS Registration: 003940

Bank Number: NSERC PPU 023
Notes: Formerly: Integrity in Research and Scholarship and Other Research Compliance Policies

Lists of Experts

Description: This bank contains names, affiliation and mailing addresses of individuals in Canada and abroad who may be asked by NSERC to review proposals for grants and awards to individuals and groups, or to serve on committees or be considered for Council.

Class of Individuals: Individuals in Canada and abroad who may be asked by NSERC to review proposals for grants and awards, or to serve on committees or be considered for Council.

Purpose: The information is used to select external referees and committee members and potential Council members.

Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development
RDA Number: MIDA 2015/003
Related Record Number: NSERC 006
TBS Registration: 003514
Bank Number: NSERC PPU 050

Materiel Services

Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Real Property Services

Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Classes of Personal Information

Other Records Collections

NSERC's records collections, organized on a program activity and/or subject basis, contain a certain amount of personal information not arranged or retrievable by personal identifiers. Typically, this includes names, addresses, etc., associated with routine requests for information or opinions expressed by individuals when corresponding with NSERC on program matters.

This kind of personal information is not used for any specific administrative purpose. It is normally retrievable only if the requester gives details about the activity/subject, date, and circumstances under which the information was provided to NSERC. The retention period for this kind of information is specific to the files in which it is stored.


A complete list of NSERC’s policies and guidelines can be found here.

Additional Information

Additional information is available on our ATIP page including information on:

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through informal requests. To make an informal request, contact:

Access to Information and Privacy
125 Zaida Eddy Private, 2nd floor
Ottawa, ON  K1R 0E3
Telephone: 613-995-6295

Reading Room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act, an area on the premises of this institution has been designated as a public reading room. The address is:

125 Zaida Eddy Private, 2nd floor
Ottawa, ON  K1R 0E3

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