
Alphabetical Search by Chairholder Name

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Vallée, Réal
Université Laval
Mid-infrared fibre lasers, fibre Bragg gratings, laser-matter interaction, non-linear absorption, materials processing and machining, laser cutting and welding, photo-inscribed waveguides in dielectric materials
Vandenberg, Albert
University of Saskatchewan
lentil genetics, breeding, disease resistance, lentil species, nutritional profile, genotyping
Vasseur, Elsa
McGill University
Dairy Industry, Sustainable Life, Cow Comfort and Management, Cow Longevity, Environment and Society, Dairy Cattle Quality of Life, Dairy Cattle Housing Management, Lifetime Profitability, Dairy-cattle Welfare, Data Mining and Information Systems
Voix, Jérémie
École de technologie supérieure
Acoustics, hearing protection, hearing aids, communication devices, wearable technology, brain-computer interfaces, EEG
von Keyserlingk, Marina
The University of British Columbia
animal welfare; animal behaviour; pain; preferences; motivation; dairy cow; dairy calf; farmer and public attitudes; health; natural behaviour
Voordouw, Gerrit
University of Calgary
Petroleum Microbiology, Sulfur Cycle Management, Microbial Corrosion, Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria, Oil Sands, Conversion of Oil into Methane, Production of Biosurfactants, Reduction of Bitumen Viscosity
Vukotic, V. Nicholas
University of Windsor
X-ray diffraction (XRD), in-situ characterization, materials chemistry, stimuli-responsive crystals, high-throughput screening, nanoporous adsorbents, metal-organic frameworks, chemical sensors, polymer nanocomposites, biomaterials
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