Alphabetical Search by Chairholder Name
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Vallée, Réal Université Laval Mid-infrared fibre lasers, fibre Bragg gratings, laser-matter interaction, non-linear absorption, materials processing and machining, laser cutting and welding, photo-inscribed waveguides in dielectric materials |
Vandenberg, Albert University of Saskatchewan lentil genetics, breeding, disease resistance, lentil species, nutritional profile, genotyping |
Vasseur, Elsa McGill University Dairy Industry, Sustainable Life, Cow Comfort and Management, Cow Longevity, Environment and Society, Dairy Cattle Quality of Life, Dairy Cattle Housing Management, Lifetime Profitability, Dairy-cattle Welfare, Data Mining and Information Systems |
Voix, Jérémie École de technologie supérieure Acoustics, hearing protection, hearing aids, communication devices, wearable technology, brain-computer interfaces, EEG |
von Keyserlingk, Marina The University of British Columbia animal welfare; animal behaviour; pain; preferences; motivation; dairy cow; dairy calf; farmer and public attitudes; health; natural behaviour |
Voordouw, Gerrit University of Calgary Petroleum Microbiology, Sulfur Cycle Management, Microbial Corrosion, Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria, Oil Sands, Conversion of Oil into Methane, Production of Biosurfactants, Reduction of Bitumen Viscosity |
Vukotic, V. Nicholas University of Windsor X-ray diffraction (XRD), in-situ characterization, materials chemistry, stimuli-responsive crystals, high-throughput screening, nanoporous adsorbents, metal-organic frameworks, chemical sensors, polymer nanocomposites, biomaterials |
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