
Alphabetical Search by Chairholder Name

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Xi, Fengfeng (Jeff)
Ryerson University
aircraft interiors, reconfigurable systems, smart cabin, travel comfort, cabin personalization, intelligent systems, mechatronics, aerospace engineering
Xu, Zhenghe
University of Alberta
Oil Sands, bitumen recovery, tailings processing, interfacial science, water chemistry and management, colloidal forces, emulsions, molecular dynamics, flotation, flocculation
Xu, Wilsun
University of Alberta
Power and Energy Systems, Power Quality, Power System Informatics, Electrical Disturbances
Xu, Bin
Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology
Ecology, Climate Change, Biogeochemistry, Eco-hydrology, Disturbance Ecology, Environmental Monitoring, Community Ecology, Peatland, Restoration, Reclamation
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