

Raynald Gauvin

Raynald Gauvin

Faculty of Engineering
McGill University

Chair title

NSERC-Hydro Québec Industrial Research Chair on the Characterization and Synthesis of New High-Energy-Density Materials Beyond Lithium-Ion Batteries

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Senior Chairholder since 2018


Global warming is the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. Moving successfully from a fossil-fuel-based economy to one that uses green energy involves technical challenges that must be overcome. Electrification of transportation and storage of renewable energy are critical components of this transition away from fossil fuels. Currently, electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which have a low energy density, limiting driving range and raising costs to a level prohibiting mass population adoption. The proposed research to characterize and synthesize new high-energy-density materials beyond lithium-ion batteries has as its central mission cutting-edge materials science research to develop next-generation batteries (beyond LIBs). The research program will develop new characterization techniques with high spatial resolution in electron microscopy, since understanding the evolution of the microstructure of the battery materials during cycling at resolutions from 100 nm to 0.1 nm is vital to develop the next generation of these materials, encompassing material synthesis, characterization, and modelling studies. These new characterization methods will allow ex-situ and in-operando observation of the evolution of the materials during cycling, leading to the development of new materials. This work will be carried out in collaboration with Hydro-Québec. The research is organized in a Theme/Project structure, and the associated staffing plan is based on one research associate, one technician and nine PhD students over the next five years. The proposed program will create and maintain a technically rich environment for McGill trainees and Hydro-Québec technical personnel that should lead to new job creation.


  • Hydro-Québec

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Faculty of Engineering
McGill University



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