

Mahesh Pandey

Mahesh Pandey

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Waterloo

Chair title

NSERC/UNENE Industrial Research Chair in Risk-Based Life Cycle Management of Engineering Systems

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Senior Chairholder since 2004


The primary goal of the Chair program is to advance research in the area of life-cycle management (LCM) of nuclear power plant systems and renewal of energy infrastructure as a whole. The Chair is one of five university professorships established by the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE) for the support and development of nuclear education, research, and development capability in Canadian universities. One of the key aspects of the Chair program is the close collaboration with industry experts and university researchers through the UNENE research and educational programs.

The specific goals of the research program are to:
  • advance the probabilistic analysis techniques for estimating reliability and remaining life of critical systems, structures and components;
  • develop models and tools for optimizing inspection, maintenance and life-cycle management strategies; and
  • develop a general, plant-level risk management model to integrate both engineering and business risks.
The Chairholder, Dr. Mahesh Pandey, has extensive expertise in basic and applied research in the areas of mechanics and reliability of engineering structures. He has also made significant contributions to the fields of risk assessment and probabilistic analysis.

The program is focused on life-cycle optimization of critical CANDU systems, such as fuel channels, steam generators and feeders. The stochastic process theory and statistical models are under development to support the life-cycle management model.

The Chair program is important to nuclear power utilities, as the research results of this program will provide important input to decisions regarding the continuing operation and refurbishment of nuclear power plants. The program is sponsored by the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE), a consortium of nuclear utilities, universities and research organizations that is mainly funded by Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power and Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. The sponsoring organization provides industry’s perspective and practical data to the research program. The Chair works with the industry in practical applications of the research results.

Improvements in power generation and transmission capacity are important to the economic success and enhancement of quality of life in Canada. Scientific protocols for inspection, assessment and maintenance developed in the program offer significant economic and energy-conservation potential by helping to reduce operating costs, improving the performance and extending the service life of critical systems in power generation and transmission facilities. The program is expected to provide HQP training to a significant number of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, which will meet the nation’s demand for expert scientists and engineers.


  • University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE)

Contact information

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1

Tel.: 519-888-4567, ext. 5858
Fax: 519-888-4349


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