

Steeve Côté

Steeve Côté

Department of Biology
Université Laval

Chair title

NSERC-Produits forestiers Anticosti Industrial Research Chair in integrated management of Anticosti Island biological forest resources

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Senior Chairholder since 2006


The primary objective of this Chair's scientific program is to develop forest and wildlife management methods adapted to areas with high densities of cervids. The Chair program focusses on the sustainable development of forest resources and includes four research themes:

  1. impact of high animal densities on forest ecosystems;
  2. habitat selection and foraging behaviour of the white-tailed deer;
  3. developing silvicultural strategies applicable in a context of high herbivore densities; and;
  4. defining and developing tools for the integrated management of biological forest resources. Much of the knowledge acquired during this research program will be applicable to other regions facing conservation problems associated with overabundant cervid populations.

Much of the knowledge acquired during this research program is, or will be, applicable to other regions facing conservation problems associated with overabundant cervid populations.

Steeve Côté, the Chairholder, is particularly interested in cervid-forest relationships and their role in wildlife population dynamics. Within the framework of the Chair, he will collaborate with a number of researchers from three universities and government research establishments. This work will make it possible to hire 12 graduate students and one postdoctoral trainee/fellow.

The Chair's scientific program will continue to enable the industrial partners to use the results to consolidate and develop their commercial activities while respecting Anticosti Island wildlife and integrated management principles. The program is also of great value to the Quebec Department of Natural Resources and Wildlife, which is continually seeking innovative natural resource management solutions.


  • Anticosti Forest Products Inc./Produits forestiers Anticosti inc.
  • Pétrolia
  • Université Laval
  • Sépaq Anticosti
  • Safari Anticosti

Contact information

Department of Biology
Université Laval
Alexandre Vachon Hall, Office 3076, 1045, avenue de la Médecine
Québec, Québec
G1K 7P4

Tel.: 418-656-2131, ext. 3490
Fax: 418-656-2043


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