José Urquiza
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Université Laval
Chair title
NSERC Research Chair in high performance scientific computing
Chair program
Industrial Research Chairs program
Associate Chairholder since 2007
Related Chair
Scientific computing is a primary driver of innovation in science and engineering, whether the field is meteorology and climate study, astrophysics, particle physics or new materials. It plays a leading role in aeronautics (predicting aircraft in-flight performance), the petrochemical industry (modelling porous medium and multiphase flows), construction industry (performing seismic analyses) and energy industry (designing hydraulic and wind turbines).
The automobile industry has also been affected by this scientific progress in terms of structural design and aerodynamics, impact simulation, etc. A pioneer in the field, French tire company Michelin introduced digital simulations into its tire design process in the early 1970s.
The Chair's high performance scientific computing research program aims to perform complete digital mechanical modelling of a rolling tire, including the dynamic effects and behaviour of the various materials. More specifically, the program aims to develop original digital methodologies that will then make it possible to develop complete research and development software in the fields of tire design, optimization and automated finite element analysis.
The primary research themes are:
- Introduction of new mixed formulations for tetrahedral elements and their consistent discretizations, including applications in the calculation of deformations of hyperelastic and viscoelastic materials
- Introduction of anisotropic grid adaptation and error estimation tools at all simulation stages
- Development of parallelizable iterative methods to resolve very large linear and non-linear problems
- Development of new parallel algorithms to resolve sliding contact problems between two deformable bodies
- Development of new tire design optimization tools.
Training of highly qualified personnel in the field of high performance scientific computing is another central objective of the Chair. While emphasizing applications in the field of pneumatics, the Chair places a high value on training the next generation of professionals in scientific computing, which is now indispensable in all spheres of scientific activity.
- Michelin North America/Michelin Amérique du Nord (Canada)
Contact information
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Université Laval
Alexandre Vachon Hall
1045 Avenue de la Médecine
Québec, Québec
G1K 7P4
Tel.: 418-656-2209
Fax: 418-656-3404