

Yvan Chouinard

Yvan Chouinard

Department of Animal Sciences
Université Laval

Chair title

NSERC-Novalait-DFC-FPLQ-MAPAQ-Valacta Industrial Research Chair on Nutritional Control of the Production of Milk Components in Dairy Cows

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Senior Chairholder since 2009


Milk is a natural biological product whose synthesis and secretion by cows are influenced by a number of factors that are sometimes hard to control. A better understanding of the influence of these various factors is essential to enable the production of milk and each of its components to be properly controlled in dairy operations. An improved knowledge of these factors will enable dairy farmers to manage the marketing of their products so as to respond to consumers diverse, changing needs more effectively. The research done by this Chair will make it possible to put control mechanisms in place so that milk production can be adjusted to meet the specific objectives of the dairy industry. The Chairs program proposes three platforms divided into two main research topics: the study of the major components and the minor components of milk. The first platform involves developing diagnostic tools that can be used to identify certain nutritional problems that arise in dairy herds. The second platform deals with adjusting the production of milk components to satisfy market requirements. The third platform involves analyzing the dietary factors that can influence the oxidative stability and flavour of milk. The results of this research will provide the dairy industry with the tools and the know-how that it needs to adapt to an ever-changing market. Close collaboration between academic researchers and the various stakeholders in Canada's dairy industry will allow for effective transfer of technology and training of highly qualified personnel to meet the specific needs of this industry.


  • Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec
  • Dairy Farmers of Canada
  • Novalait inc.
  • Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec
  • Valacta
  • Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault

Contact information

Department of Animal Sciences
Université Laval
Paul-Comtois Bldg., Rm. 4141
2425 de l'Agriculture St.
Québec, Québec
G1V 0A6

Tel.: 418-656-2131, ext. 8053
Fax: 418-656-3766

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