Bin Xu
Boreal Research Institute
Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology
Chair title
NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Peatland Restoration
Chair program
Industrial Research Chair for Colleges
Chairholder since 2012
As NAIT’s NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Peatland Restoration, Dr. Bin Xu will lead studies on practical and efficient technologies for peatland restoration and reclamation. He will collaborate with the oil and gas industry and with researchers from various institutes to develop practical solutions for managing disturbed peatlands. His previous research focused on the responses of boreal peatland to environmental changes due to anthropogenic and natural causes. The goal is to better understand these ecosystems under changing climate conditions so we can better preserve and manage them in the future.
The peatland restoration program will provide much needed information for peatland development and management guidelines in Alberta and across Canada. It will provide industry with useful technical solutions for reclaiming and restoring peatlands that have been destroyed in resource extraction to ensure a clean, safe, and sustainable boreal environment for all stakeholders.
Shell Canada is one of the Chair’s industry partners. It will provide access to research sites and logistical support for many of the Chair’s research projects. The NAIT Boreal Research Institute has a great team, with expertise covering research from upland to peatland to seed technology. As chairholder, Dr. Xu will work closely within NAIT to provide educational opportunities for students, third-party industry and the wider public through workshops, classes and public seminars. Collaboration between the research institute and industry is in keeping with NAIT’s role as a polytechnic committed to developing real-world solutions.
- Shell Canada Ltd.
- Northsite Contractors Ltd.
- Daishowa Peace River Pulp
Contact information
Boreal Research Institute
Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology