Alliance Consortia Quantum grants

Call for proposals: Supporting coordinated quantum research and innovation across Canada

Partner organizations

Your partner organizations can be private, public or not-for-profit. You may involve whichever partner organizations you need to achieve the project’s research goals and successfully mobilize the research results to achieve the desired impact. You must have at least one partner organization whose cash contributions would be recognized for cost sharing, had there been any required. Consult the Alliance Advantage: Role of partner organizations web page for complete guidelines regarding partner organizations, including requirements for partner organizations whose cash contributions can be recognized for cost-sharing purposes with NSERC.

Partner organizations may include Canadian federal departments or organizations that perform R&D, as well as anticipated end users of the project’s targeted quantum technologies. Other funding organizations (e.g., other provincial or federal funding agencies) may participate as financial partners and provide support to the project in addition to NSERC.

At least one of the partner organizations must have a demonstrated ability to exploit the project’s research results, while other partners may be chosen for their ability to generate and mobilize knowledge. Each partner organization must actively play a role in the project and support it through in-kind contributions. Such involvement must be achieved by doing at least one of the following:

  • play an active role in the project’s research activities
  • utilize the project’s research results to help achieve its desired outcomes
  • play an active role in translating or mobilizing knowledge to ensure that the research results have an impact

Various in-kind contributions could be made toward the project, such as the time of the partner organization’s scientific, engineering or technical staff to provide direction and participate in the project; provision of equipment, materials or services; and provision of access to special equipment or data. Active participation in the project and in-kind contributions are not required from funding organizations that may provide financial support to the project alongside NSERC (see Funding your research project).

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Application deadline
October 16, 2023

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