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New NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering announced
General news
September 1, 2020
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is pleased to announce new chairholders for the Ontario and Prairies regions as part of its Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program. The new Ontario Chair is Dr. Shohini Ghose, a quantum physicist at Wilfrid Laurier University. The new Prairies Chair is Dr. Laleh Behjat, an electrical and computer engineering researcher at the University of Calgary. As well, the Quebec Chair of Dr. Eve Langelier, a mechanical engineering researcher at the Université de Sherbrooke is being renewed. Each chairholder will receive $135,000 per year for five years, including $25,000 per year over five years to support a postdoctoral fellow.
“I would like to thank the outgoing Ontario and Prairies Chairs, Drs. Catherine Mavriplis and Annemieke Farenhorst for the excellent work they and their associates have done. The stellar efforts of the CWSE Chairs to increase the number of women in fields where they are underrepresented support NSERC’s commitment to fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion in the natural sciences and engineering.”
– Alejandro Adem, NSERC President
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