NSERC offers you the option of subscribing to updates to our Web site via an RSS feed. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary (or Real Simple Syndication as some refer to it). It provides an automated way for you to check for new content on a Web site without having to visit the site repeatedly.
Our feeds are customized to meet the needs of various groups. Each item includes the date, a headline or title, and a summary of the update. After reading the summary, you have the option to view the full article simply by selecting a link to the appropriate page on our site.
There are seven NSERC RSS feeds to choose from:
Many recent versions of browsers offer the option of subscribing to an RSS feed simply by selecting the appropriate link and following the instructions. You may need to install a piece of software known as an aggregator in order to view RSS content. There are a number of RSS aggregators and feed readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet.
Here are some of the advantages of using an RSS feed: