Applicant name | Institution | Program | Title | Term | Amount awarded |
Adronov, Alex Department Chemistry & Chemical Biology |
McMaster University | RTI | Atomic Force Microscope | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Gates, Derek Department Chemistry |
The University of British Columbia | RTI | Urgent Replacement of Inert Atmosphere Glovebox | 1 | $87,123.00 |
Gilroy, Joe Department Chemistry |
The University of Western Ontario | RTI | Urgent Acquisition of an Absolute Photoluminescence Quantum Yield Spectrometer | 1 | $113,224.00 |
Jerkiewicz, Gregory Department Chemistry |
Queen's University | RTI | Urgent Replacement of a Laue X-Ray Diffraction System for Research in Interfacial Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Kelly, Timothy Department Chemistry |
University of Saskatchewan | RTI | Critical repair of a UV/vis/NIR spectrophotometer used to characterize solar, plasmonic, and sorptive materials | 1 | $10,976.00 |
Krylov, Sergey Department Chemistry |
Kuss, Sabine Department Chemistry |
University of Manitoba | RTI | A Scanning Electrochemical Microscope for the Analysis of Biological Systems | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Leitch, David Department Chemistry |
University of Victoria | RTI | Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography as a High-Throughput Analytics Platform for Organic Chemistry | 1 | $149,486.00 |
Leznoff, Daniel Department Chemistry |
Simon Fraser University | RTI | Critical Acquisition of Modern, Functional Single-crystal X-ray Diffractometer Detector | 1 | $149,937.00 |
Lubell, William Department Chimie |
Université de Montréal | RTI | Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) instrument | 1 | $146,825.00 |
Mar, Arthur Department Chemistry |
University of Alberta | RTI | Probing the Structure of Solids and Materials with Powder X-ray Diffraction | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Morin, Jean-Francois Department Chimie |
Université Laval | RTI | UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer for Materials Characterization | 1 | $130,170.00 |
Murugesu, Muralee Department Chemistry |
University of Ottawa | RTI | High-Pressure Gas Adsorption Analyzer For Clean Energy Technology | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Mutus, Bulent Department Chemistry and Biochemistry |
University of Windsor | RTI | Spectrofluorometer for Advanced Materials Characterization and Sensor Development | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Paige, Matthew Department Chemistry |
University of Saskatchewan | RTI | Repair of an Atomic Force Microscope XYZ piezoelectric scanner | 1 | $19,484.00 |
Perrin, David Department Chemistry |
The University of British Columbia | RTI | Liquid Chromatography System for the purification of peptidic radiotracers, bioconjugates, nucleosides, and drug-like molecules | 1 | $104,273.00 |
Piers, Warren Department Chemistry |
University of Calgary | RTI | Essential Upgrade to the Departmental EPR Spectrometer | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Schaper, Frank Department Chimie |
Université de Montréal | RTI | Photon III X-ray detector for metal jet diffractometer | 1 | $149,711.00 |
Speed, Alexander Department Chemistry |
Dalhousie | RTI | Urgent Replacement Glovebox For Innovative Main Group Catalysis | 1 | $74,299.00 |
Wang, Suning Department Chemistry |
Queen's University | RTI | A time-resolved phosphorimeter for research on light emitting materials | 1 | $59,149.00 |
Wheeler, Aaron Department Chemistry (St. George Campus) |
University of Toronto | RTI | A Single-Cell Micromanipulation Platform Relying on Optoelectronic Tweezers | 1 | $150,000.00 |
Wiseman, Paul Department Chemistry |
McGill University | RTI | Sensitive and rapid sCMOS camera for fluorescence fluctuation imaging | 1 | $37,492.00 |
Zamble, Deborah Department Chemistry (St. George Campus) |
University of Toronto | RTI | Ultracentrifugation Facility | 1 | $103,009.00 |
Zwanziger, Josef Department Chemistry |
Dalhousie | RTI | Acquisition of a Console for Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | 1 | $150,000.00 |