Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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2023 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Ferguson, Laura
Biology - Biology
DGECR Comparative physiology of mosquito overwintering 1502 1 $12,500.00
Ferguson, Laura
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Comparative physiology of mosquito overwintering 1502 5 $38,000.00
Mallory, Mark
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Humans, birds and coastlines: how anthropogenic activities influence health of marine birds and their habitats 1503 5 $59,000.00
Mallory, Mark
Biology - Biology
RGPNS Humans, birds and coastlines: how anthropogenic activities influence health of marine birds and their habitats 1503 5 $19,000.00
O'Driscoll, Nelson
Earth and Environmental Science - Earth and Environmental Science
RTI Freeze drier for the preparation of trace contaminant samples 1606 1 $103,879.00