Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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2023 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

The University of Western Ontario
Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Abdolvand, Hamidreza
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RTI Live observation of materials cracking at multiple length scales 1611 1 $150,000.00
Andrews, Tallulah
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
DGECR Enabling comprehensive tissue characterization through integrated analysis of spatial transcriptomics and imaging data. 1501 1 $12,500.00
Andrews, Tallulah
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RGPIN Enabling comprehensive tissue characterization through integrated analysis of spatial transcriptomics and imaging data. 1501 5 $40,000.00
Ansari, Daniel
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN The numerate brain: development and individual differences 1502 5 $59,000.00
Baron, Corey
Robarts Research Institute
RTI Dynamic field monitoring during in vivo MRI 1605 1 $103,988.00
Basu, Shantanu
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN The Formation and Evolution of Star-Disk Accretion Systems 1505 5 $46,000.00
Bernards, Mark
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Suberin Form and Function 1502 5 $44,000.00
Blamey, Nigel
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
RGPIN Revealing atmospheric oxygen and climatic changes using fluid inclusion gas signals from halite and potential for penecontemporaneous primary carbonates in deep time 1506 5 $35,000.00
Bonner, Simon
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
RGPIN Developing New Methods for Analysing Complex Data from Mark-Recapture, Occupancy, and Animal Movement Studies 1503 5 $51,000.00
Borradaile, Nica
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RGPIN Elongation factor 1A1 at the nexus of cytoskeletal and cellular metabolic regulation 1501 5 $45,000.00
Briens, Cedric
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Development of chemical reactors for waste material recycling and greenhouse gas reduction 1511 5 $38,000.00
Brown, Peter
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Small solar system bodies as windows to planetary formation 1505 5 $46,000.00
Brysiewicz, Taylor
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Computational Algorithms in Numerical and Enumerative Geometry 1507 5 $31,000.00
Brysiewicz, Taylor
Mathematics - Mathematics
DGECR Computational Algorithms in Numerical and Enumerative Geometry 1507 1 $12,500.00
Charpentier, Paul
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RTI Measuring Thermal Properties of Recycled Carbon Composites 1611 1 $98,533.00
DeFalco, Thomas
Biology - Biology
DGECR Deciphering and engineering kinase-mediated plant stress responses 1502 1 $12,500.00
DeFalco, Thomas
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Deciphering and engineering kinase-mediated plant stress responses 1502 5 $49,000.00
Denham, Graham
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Algebraic aspects of matroid theory 1508 5 $30,000.00
Ding, Zhifeng
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Electrochemiluminescence /Chemiluminescence of Nanoclusters, Graphene and Perovskite Quantum Dots towards Single Event Detections 1504 5 $111,000.00
Diop, Mamadou
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Technique for Reliable Monitoring of the Oxidation State of Cytochrome-c-Oxidase in the Adult Human Brain 1505 5 $46,000.00
Duerden, Emma
Education - Western University (The University of Western Ontario)
DH Bright start, grow strong: analytic tools and resources for the study of early adversity and brain developmental trajectories 1635 5 $150,911.00
Erdemci Tandogan, Gonca
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
DGECR Computational Modelling of Cell and Tissue Mechanics 1505 1 $12,500.00
Erdemci Tandogan, Gonca
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Computational Modelling of Cell and Tissue Mechanics 1505 5 $33,000.00
Espin Garcia, Osvaldo
Epidemiology and Biostatistics - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
RGPIN Evaluation and Development of High-throughput Covariate Summaries for the Design and Analysis of Two-phase Next-generation Sequencing Studies 1508 5 $27,000.00
Espin Garcia, Osvaldo
Epidemiology and Biostatistics - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
DGECR Evaluation and Development of High-throughput Covariate Summaries for the Design and Analysis of Two-phase Next-generation Sequencing Studies 1508 1 $12,500.00
Fang, Fang
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
DGECR Energy-Efficient, Intelligent and Secure Design for Communication-Efficient Edge AI empowered 6G Wireless Networks 1510 1 $12,500.00
Fang, Fang
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Energy-Efficient, Intelligent and Secure Design for Communication-Efficient Edge AI empowered 6G Wireless Networks 1510 5 $47,000.00
Gilroy, Joe
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Multiple Bonds of Group 15 Elements as Building Blocks for Functional Materials 1504 5 $83,000.00
Grol, Matthew
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
DGECR Molecular mechanisms mediating mechanotransduction in tendon: A central role for P2Y2-induced Ca2+ signaling 1501 1 $12,500.00
Grol, Matthew
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RGPIN Molecular mechanisms mediating mechanotransduction in tendon: A central role for P2Y2-induced Ca2+ signaling 1501 5 $33,000.00
Gustison, Morgan
Psychology - Psychology
DGECR Neuroethology of vocal communication during pair-bonding 1502 1 $12,500.00
Gustison, Morgan
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Neuroethology of vocal communication during pair-bonding 1502 5 $38,000.00
Guthrie, Jennifer
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
DGECR Plasmid-Mediated Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence in Nontuberculous Mycobacteria 1501 1 $12,500.00
Guthrie, Jennifer
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Plasmid-Mediated Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence in Nontuberculous Mycobacteria 1501 5 $33,000.00
Hayden, Elizabeth
Psychology - Psychology
RTI Using automated, integrated technology to study emotion and development via the Facility for Affective Neuroscience 1602 1 $81,251.00
Hayes, Sarah
Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of - Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of
RGPIN Cortical Gamma Oscillations in Auditory Processing and Perception: Role of Local and Long-range Connectivity 1502 5 $33,000.00
Hayes, Sarah
Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of - Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of
DGECR Cortical Gamma Oscillations in Auditory Processing and Perception: Role of Local and Long-range Connectivity 1502 1 $12,500.00
He, Wenqing
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
RGPIN Statistical learning of health data with complex features 1508 5 $33,000.00
Heath, Matthew
Kinesiology, School of - Kinesiology, School of
RGPIN Cognition, movement, and exercise 1502 5 $51,000.00
Hill, Kathleen
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Mutational Mechanisms Contributing to Mouse Genome Variation 1501 5 $52,000.00
Holdsworth, David
Surgery - Western University (The University of Western Ontario)
DH Development of low-cost digital radiography systems for low-resource settings 1635 5 $99,842.00
Hudson, Robert
Chemistry - Chemistry
RTI Critical Use UVvis Spectrophotometer 1604 1 $53,887.00
Hudson, Robert
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Design, Synthesis, Evaluation and Applications of Oligonucleotide Analogues Bearing Nucleobase Modifications 1504 5 $32,000.00
Huner, Norman
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Colonial palmelloid formation and its role in photoprotection in the Antarctic psychrophile, Chlamydomonas priscuii UWO241 1502 5 $39,000.00
Hutter, Jeffrey
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Nanoscale Investigations of Crystallization and Nanomechanical Properties 1505 5 $32,000.00
Kerr, Michael
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Enabling methodologies for organic synthesis 1504 5 $52,000.00
Khan, Ali
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Bridging macro- and micro-scale neuroimaging to improve machine learning with quantitative MRI 1510 5 $59,000.00
Khayat, Roger
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Jet impingement cooling of nanofluids on micro-textured surfaces 1512 5 $38,000.00
Lagugnι-Labarthet, Franηois
Chemistry - Chemistry
RTI Urgent Repair of a Scanning Electron Microscope Operated in an Open-User Facility. 1604 1 $82,970.00
Lau, Jonathan
Clinical Neurological Sciences - Clinical Neurological Sciences
RGPIN An open framework leveraging stereotactic principles for neuroimaging 1510 5 $37,000.00
Lau, Jonathan
Clinical Neurological Sciences - Clinical Neurological Sciences
DGECR An open framework leveraging stereotactic principles for neuroimaging 1510 1 $12,500.00
Lemire, Nicole
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Applications of Representation theory to Algebraic tori and Torsors for Algebraic Groups 1508 5 $27,000.00
Li, Shawn
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RGPIN Systematic identification and characterization of protein lysine methylation 1501 5 $52,000.00
MacBean, Natasha
Geography - Geography
DGECR Carbon-Water-Vegetation Interactions in Drylands and their Response to Climate and Environmental Change 1506 1 $12,500.00
MacBean, Natasha
Geography - Geography
RGPIN Carbon-Water-Vegetation Interactions in Drylands and their Response to Climate and Environmental Change 1506 5 $40,000.00
MacDougall-Shackleton, Elizabeth
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Effects of parasitic and non-parasitic microbes on immune gene variation, chemical communication, and mate choice in birds 1503 5 $59,000.00
Martinez-Trujillo, Julio
Robarts Research Institute
RTI High resolution microelectrode arrays for mapping and manipulation of brain microcircuits 1602 1 $150,000.00
Michaelson, Dennis
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Hybrid Digital Twins of Renewable Energy Microgrids incorporating Small Modular Reactors for Remote Off-grid Communities 1510 5 $32,000.00
Michaelson, Dennis
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
DGECR Hybrid Digital Twins of Renewable Energy Microgrids incorporating Small Modular Reactors for Remote Off-grid Communities 1510 1 $12,500.00
Minac, Jan
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Absolute Galois groups, Massey products, Koszulity, and applications to networks and data science 1508 5 $30,000.00
Molnar, Sheri
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
RGPIN Improving site-specific earthquake ground motions in Canada 1506 5 $59,000.00
Muller, Lyle
Mathematics - Mathematics
DGECR Spatiotemporal dynamics in cortex: new computational techniques and mathematical models 1502 1 $12,500.00
Muller, Lyle
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Spatiotemporal dynamics in cortex: new computational techniques and mathematical models 1502 5 $49,000.00
Mymryk, Joe
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN A novel protein nuclear import-based methodology for the discovery of protein-protein interactions mediated by short linear motifs. 1501 5 $45,000.00
Nakhla, George
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Innovative Approaches for Enhanced Resource Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Biosolids 1509 5 $69,000.00
Neff, Bryan
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Sunfishes 1503 5 $51,000.00
Noλl, James
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Fundamental interfacial chemical processes, structures, and compositions underlying corrosion mechanisms 1504 5 $83,000.00
Parraga, Grace
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RTI Novel, Non-invasive Multi-spectral, Multi-compartment 129Xe MR Gas-exchange Measurements: MUCXE 1605 1 $150,000.00
Peng, Tianqing
Pathology - Pathology
RGPIN Molecular basis of junctophilin-2 regulation of ryanodine receptor-2 in cardiomyocytes 1501 5 $50,000.00
Peters, Sue
Physical Therapy, School of - Physical Therapy, School of
RGPIN A multimodal investigation of neural mechanisms supporting naturalistic locomotion in humans 1502 5 $38,000.00
Peters, Sue
Physical Therapy, School of - Physical Therapy, School of
DGECR A multimodal investigation of neural mechanisms supporting naturalistic locomotion in humans 1502 1 $12,500.00
Pyne, Michael
Biology - Biology
DGECR Retrobiosynthesis of privileged pharmaceutical scaffolds from non-standard amino acids 1501 1 $12,500.00
Pyne, Michael
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Retrobiosynthesis of privileged pharmaceutical scaffolds from non-standard amino acids 1501 5 $33,000.00
Renaud, Stephen
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Regulatory mechanisms of placental development and placental-fetal signaling 1501 5 $52,000.00
Rice, Charles
Kinesiology, School of - Kinesiology, School of
RGPIN Neuromuscular generation and control of force output in humans 1502 5 $59,000.00
Robinson, Clare
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RTI Urgent replacement of ICP-OES system for multi-element determination in water samples 1611 1 $134,839.00
Scholl, Timothy
Robarts Research Institute
RGPIN Increasing the Sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Reporter Genes 1505 5 $46,000.00
Sedig, Kamran
Computer Science - Computer Science
RGPIN Visual Analytics for Complex Electronic Health Records-Driven Tasks 1507 5 $41,000.00
Seminowicz, David
Robarts Research Institute
RGPIN Spatiotemporal cortical control by claustrum 1502 5 $51,000.00
Shi, HaoTian
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Data-Driven Additive Manufacturing for Sustainable Energy Storage 1511 5 $32,000.00
Shi, HaoTian
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
DGECR Data-Driven Additive Manufacturing for Sustainable Energy Storage 1511 1 $12,500.00
Shilton, Brian
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RTI Preparative Ultracentrifuge and Rotors for Western BioCORE Facility 1601 1 $128,886.00
Sinclair, Brent
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Integrative physiology of insect freeze tolerance 1502 5 $70,000.00
Smith, David
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Using extremophilic and non-photosynthetic green algae to explore the origins, diversity, and limits of genomic architecture 1501 5 $45,000.00
Straatman, Anthony
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Investigations into Complex Thermofluids Systems with Application to Energy Capture, Storage and Recovery 1512 5 $38,000.00
Teeter, Matthew
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RTI An upgraded optical coordinate measurement machine for the dimensional analysis of complex geometric devices 1612 1 $150,000.00
Voogt, James
Geography - Geography
RGPIN Thermal Remote Sensing of Urban Surface Climates 1506 5 $39,000.00
Walton, David
Physical Therapy, School of - Physical Therapy, School of
RGPIN Quantifying sex-differentiated norms of stress-system reactivity in humans 1502 5 $51,000.00
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN A Framework for Evaluating Tornado-Induced Wind Loads on Low-Rise Buildings 1509 5 $32,000.00
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
DGECR A Framework for Evaluating Tornado-Induced Wind Loads on Low-Rise Buildings 1509 1 $12,500.00
Workentin, Mark
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Physical Organic Chemistry of Materials:Probing Structure Reactivity to Developing Templates for Applications 1504 5 $83,000.00
Zaki Hussein, Mohamed
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Community Aware Technologies for Resilient Human-Centric Mobility 1509 5 $43,000.00
Zaki Hussein, Mohamed
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
DGECR Community Aware Technologies for Resilient Human-Centric Mobility 1509 1 $12,500.00