Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
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Résultats des concours de subventions de recherche par université - 2022

University of Northern British Columbia
Nom du candidat Programme Titre GE Durée Montant accordé
Baerwald, Erin
Ecosystem Science and Management Program - Ecosystem Science and Management Program
DGECR Behavioural flexibility and adaptability of bats on the edge 1503 1 12 500,00 $
Baerwald, Erin
Ecosystem Science and Management Program - Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RGPIN Behavioural flexibility and adaptability of bats on the edge 1503 5 29 000,00 $
Dery, Stephen
Environment Sciences Program - Environment Sciences Program
RGPIN Tracking the Trajectory of Transient and Periodic Hydrometerological Phenomena 1506 5 36 000,00 $
Dziedzic, Mauricio
Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
DDG Environmental impacts of dam breaks 1509 2 15 000,00 $
Iorhemen, Oliver
Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Resource recovery from biological wastewater treatment system and biosolids 1509 5 27 000,00 $
Iorhemen, Oliver
Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
DGECR Resource recovery from biological wastewater treatment system and biosolids 1509 1 12 500,00 $
Islam, Siraj ul
Environment Sciences Program - Environment Sciences Program
DGECR Improving hydrological forecast skill on daily to seasonal time scales 1506 1 12 500,00 $
Islam, Siraj ul
Environment Sciences Program - Environment Sciences Program
RGPIN Improving hydrological forecast skill on daily to seasonal time scales 1506 5 26 000,00 $
Li, Jianbing
Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
RTI A Laboratory Bioprocess System for Innovation in Petroleum Waste Treatment 1609 1 134 165,00 $
Preston, Michael
Head Office - Head Office
RGPIN The role of microbes in soil organic carbon accumulation as a natural climate solution 1506 5 26 000,00 $
Preston, Michael
Head Office - Head Office
DGECR The role of microbes in soil organic carbon accumulation as a natural climate solution 1506 1 12 500,00 $
Qureshi, Ramla Karim
Head Office - Head Office
DGECR Performance-based design of multi-story timber-steel hybrid structures under extreme hazards 1509 1 12 500,00 $
Qureshi, Ramla Karim
Head Office - Head Office
RGPIN Performance-based design of multi-story timber-steel hybrid structures under extreme hazards 1509 5 24 000,00 $
Tannert, Thomas
Head Office - Head Office
RGPIN Design guidance for balloon-framed CLT structures 1509 5 66 000,00 $
Zheng, Wenbo
Head Office - Head Office
RTI Versatile Mechanical Tester to Characterize the Performance of Engineering Materials for Sustainable Northern Resource Development 1609 1 150 000,00 $