Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
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Résultats des concours de subventions de recherche par université - 2022

Université York
Nom du candidat Programme Titre GE Durée Montant accordé
Amirsoleimani, Amirali
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
DGECR HAINEM: Hardware Software Co-Design Solutions for Ultra-Efficient Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Systems by Using Emerging Memory Technologies 1510 1 12 500,00 $
Amirsoleimani, Amirali
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN HAINEM: Hardware Software Co-Design Solutions for Ultra-Efficient Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Systems by Using Emerging Memory Technologies 1510 5 29 000,00 $
Bellana, Buddhika
Psychology (Glendon Campus) - Psychology (Glendon Campus)
DGECR Lingering mental context and the formation of lasting memories 1502 1 12 500,00 $
Bellana, Buddhika
Psychology (Glendon Campus) - Psychology (Glendon Campus)
RGPIN Lingering mental context and the formation of lasting memories 1502 5 26 000,00 $
Bergevin, Christopher
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Biophysical and neural coding mechanisms of the ear 1502 5 28 000,00 $
Ceddia, Rolando
Kinesiology and Health Science, School of - Kinesiology and Health Science, School of
RGPIN Regulation of whole-body energy homeostasis 1502 5 28 000,00 $
Chen, Shengyuan
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
RGPIN Integrating stochastic programming, differential equations with deep learning methods for optimizing non-medical intervention policies 1508 5 21 000,00 $
Chen, Stephen
Information Technology, School of - Information Technology, School of
RGPIN Selection-based Metaheuristics for Large Scale Global Optimization 1507 5 24 000,00 $
Crawford, John
Vision Research, Centre for - Vision Research, Centre for
RGPIN Cortical Networks for Eye-Hand Coordination in the Human 1502 5 65 000,00 $
Daly, Michael
Earth and Space Science and Engineering - Earth and Space Science and Engineering
RGPIN The Analysis of Planetary Surfaces 1506 5 30 000,00 $
Diaz-Rodriguez, Jairo
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
RGPIN Sparsity, thresholding and regularization in data science 1508 5 19 000,00 $
Diaz-Rodriguez, Jairo
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
DGECR Sparsity, thresholding and regularization in data science 1508 1 12 500,00 $
Elder, James
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Human and machine perception of 2D and 3D shape from contour 1502 5 55 000,00 $
Eldyasti, Ahmed
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
RGPIN Novel approach to production of high-value biochemicals and simultaneous removal of organic and other contaminants from waste streams using High-Rate Biomass Bioreactors 1509 5 26 000,00 $
Gales, John
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
RGPIN Fire Resilience of Hybrid Tall Timber Structures 1509 5 52 000,00 $
Gibson, Peter
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
RGPIN Mathematical inverse problems arising in acoustic imaging 1508 5 18 000,00 $
Godfrey, Parke
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN Planning and Factorization for Graph Database Query Optimization and Evaluation 1507 5 24 000,00 $
Golemi-Kotra, Dasantila
Biology - Biology
RTI Infrastructure to Support Ultra-High Separation of Biological Samples 1601 1 150 000,00 $
Henriques, Denise
Kinesiology and Health Science, School of - Kinesiology and Health Science, School of
RTI End-point robot manipulandum 1602 1 145 978,00 $
Jenkin, Michael
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN Interactive autonomous machines 1507 5 24 000,00 $
Josse, Andrea
Kinesiology and Health Science, School of - Kinesiology and Health Science, School of
RGPIN Mechanistic regulation of systemic bone and inflammatory responses to exercise and feeding in humans 1502 5 29 000,00 $
Josse, Andrea
Kinesiology and Health Science, School of - Kinesiology and Health Science, School of
DGECR Mechanistic regulation of systemic bone and inflammatory responses to exercise and feeding in humans 1502 1 12 500,00 $
Karimpour Ghannadi, Shooka
Head Office - Head Office
RTI Particle Image/Tracking Velocimetry (PIV/PTV) for Hydrodynamic Characterization of Microplastics 1609 1 150 000,00 $
Kong, Jude
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
DGECR Modelling ecological dynamics in changing environments: novel theories, policy suggestions and operational tools for mitigating the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. 1508 1 12 500,00 $
Kong, Jude
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
RGPIN Modelling ecological dynamics in changing environments: novel theories, policy suggestions and operational tools for mitigating the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. 1508 5 23 000,00 $
Krol, Magdalena
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
RGPIN Multiphase Mass and Heat Transport in Low Permeability Media 1509 5 26 000,00 $
Krylov, Sergey
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Disruptive Analytical Technologies for Biomedical Sciences 1504 5 121 000,00 $
Lesperance, Yves
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN Using Abstraction in Reasoning about Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 1507 5 29 000,00 $
Leung, Siu Ning
Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
RGPIN Porous Polymeric Materials for Environmental Sustainability 1511 5 28 000,00 $
Liang, Dong
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
RGPIN Efficient Conservative High-Order Solution-Flux Domain Decomposition Methods and Local Refinements for Flows in Porous Media and Electromagnetics 1508 5 18 000,00 $
Maltman, Kim
Mathematics and Statistics - Mathematics and Statistics
SAPIN QCD in the Standard Model and Beyond 19 5 25 000,00 $
Murray, Richard
Vision Research, Centre for - Vision Research, Centre for
RGPIN New computational models of human visual perception of surface colour, 3D shape, and lighting 1502 5 28 000,00 $
Pantazopoulou, Stavroula
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
RGPIN Application of Strain Hardening Cementitious Materials in Seismic Design and Retrofit of Structures 1509 5 31 000,00 $
Papagelis, Manos
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN Deep Learning Models for Mobility Data Mining 1507 5 29 000,00 $
Rugheimer, Sarah
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Building a framework for robust biosignature identification on rocky exoplanets 1505 5 25 000,00 $
Rugheimer, Sarah
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
DGECR Building a framework for robust biosignature identification on rocky exoplanets 1505 1 12 500,00 $
Schall, Jeffrey
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Multiscale Investigation of Neural Circuitry of Visual Cognition in Primates 1502 5 55 000,00 $
Scime, Anthony
Kinesiology and Health Science, School of - Kinesiology and Health Science, School of
RTI Apparatus for the isolation of specific primary cells from tissue 1602 1 149 841,00 $
Senderovich, Arik
Liberal and Professional Studies, Atkinson Faculty of - Liberal and Professional Studies, Atkinson Faculty of
RGPIN Prescriptive Analytics in Service Systems 1507 5 25 000,00 $
Senderovich, Arik
Liberal and Professional Studies, Atkinson Faculty of - Liberal and Professional Studies, Atkinson Faculty of
DGECR Prescriptive Analytics in Service Systems 1507 1 12 500,00 $
Earth and Space Science and Engineering - Earth and Space Science and Engineering
RGPIN Intelligent Adaptive Autonomous Systems: Essential Technologies and Applications 1512 5 32 000,00 $
Shvartzshnaider, Yan
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
RGPIN Building Privacy-aware Systems using Contextual Integrity Principles 1507 5 25 000,00 $
Shvartzshnaider, Yan
Lassonde School of Engineering - Lassonde School of Engineering
DGECR Building Privacy-aware Systems using Contextual Integrity Principles 1507 1 12 500,00 $
Steeves, Jennifer
Vision Research, Centre for - Vision Research, Centre for
RGPIN Biomarkers of non-invasive visual brain stimulation 1502 5 47 000,00 $
Storry, Cody
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Argon Crystals for the Electron Electric Dipole Moment (eEDM) Search with the EDM^3 Collaboration 1505 5 24 000,00 $
Tabatabaei, Nima
Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
RGPIN Molecular-Specific Sensing and Imaging of Biological Samples 1510 5 33 000,00 $
Tsotsos, John
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
RGPIN Towards Understanding How Active Observers Solve Visuospatial Tasks 1507 5 64 000,00 $
VandenBoer, Trevor
Chemistry - Chemistry
RTI Aerosol Instrumentation to Probe Atmospheric Processes and Mechanisms 1606 1 150 000,00 $
Whiteway, James
Earth and Space Science and Engineering - Earth and Space Science and Engineering
RGPIN Experimental Investigation of Planetary Atmospheres 1506 5 30 000,00 $
Yeomans, Julian
Operations Management and Information Systems - Operations Management and Information Systems
RGPIN Combining Simulation-Decomposition, Simulation-Optimization, and Modelling-to-Generate-Alternatives for Planning Under Uncertainty 1509 5 26 000,00 $
Yu, Xiaohui
Information Technology, School of - Information Technology, School of
RGPIN Structured Video Query Processing with Spatiotemporal Constraints 1507 5 48 000,00 $
Zhang, Dan
Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
RGPIN Structural Synthesis and Performance Study of Generalized Parallel Manipulators 1512 5 55 000,00 $