Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada
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Résultats des concours de subventions de recherche par université - 2022

Concordia University of Edmonton
Nom du candidat Programme Titre GE Durée Montant accordé
Golizeh, Makan
Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Mathematical and Physical Sciences
DGECR Systematic Quantitation of Glycoxidative Stress in Biological Systems 1504 1 12 500,00 $
Golizeh, Makan
Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Mathematical and Physical Sciences
RGPIN Systematic Quantitation of Glycoxidative Stress in Biological Systems 1504 5 25 000,00 $
Huntemann, Svenja
Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Mathematical and Physical Sciences
RGPIN Game Values, Temperature, and Enumeration of Placement Games 1508 5 19 000,00 $
Huntemann, Svenja
Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Mathematical and Physical Sciences
DGECR Game Values, Temperature, and Enumeration of Placement Games 1508 1 12 500,00 $