Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Disclosures of Transfer Payment Programs under $5 Million

Transfer Payment Program Main Objective End Date Type of TP (G, C) Planned Spending for 2014-15 Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation General Targeted Recipient Group
Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CERC) The goal of the CECR program is to create internationally recognized centres of excellence in research and commercialization in the areas of priority for the Government of Canada to deliver economic, social, health and environmental benefits to Canadians. N/A Grant $3,165,493 2012-13 Industry-Related, Persons, Non-profit organizations
College-University Idea to Innovation CU‑I2I Grants are intended to develop and strengthen research links between colleges, universities and businesses to accelerate the development of promising technologies and promote their commercialization into the Canadian marketplace. N/A Grant $2,735,850 2012-13 Industry-Related, Persons, Non-profit organizations
Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges (IRCC) IRCC Grants support applied research leaders and their development of business-focused applied research programs at colleges. N/A Grant $4,278,756 2012-13 Industry-Related, Persons, Non-profit organizations