Personal data form with CCV attachment — form 100A: instructions
On this page
- Who must complete form 100A?
- Help
- Person profile
- Current employment
- Address
- Expertise
- Contributions to research and training
- Attestation on confidential research contributions
- Personal information
- Appendix A — Personal data
- Appendix B — Eligibility (for university faculty)
- Appendix B1 — Eligibility (for college faculty)
- Appendix C — Applicant’s activities
Who must complete form 100A?
You must complete the personal data form with CCV attachment (form 100A) if you are requested to do so as part of a specific application. Before you complete this form, see How to apply for which documents are needed. The program description also provides information about eligibility criteria, evaluation criteria and application deadlines.
If you have questions about the program:
If you have questions about NSERC’s online system:
- check the frequently asked questions on how to use the online system
- contact the online services helpdesk: send an email to or call 613-995-4273; include your email address and telephone number
Person profile
If you have an existing profile, update the information as needed.
Previous family name
If you have changed your family name since you last applied for support from NSERC, enter your previous family name in the appropriate area.
NSERC personal identification number (PIN)
All NSERC applicants have received or will receive an NSERC PIN. Use your PIN each time you apply for a grant and in all correspondence with NSERC.
Current employment
Section 1
Enter your primary place of employment. If you currently hold more than one position at a post-secondary institution, enter the others in the Employment section of your Common CV.
Section 2
Enter your position at a Canadian post-secondary institution if it is different from the primary place of employment/affiliation. If your primary place of affiliation is government or industry, indicate the position that makes you eligible for NSERC grants.
If you have not taken up your position at the time of application, indicate the institution where you have been offered a position or where you will hold the grant.
Primary affiliation
Complete this section if your primary place of employment is not a Canadian post-secondary institution (e.g., industry, government, non-Canadian university).
Temporary mailing address
Complete this section if you are a Canadian researcher from a post-secondary institution on leave (sabbatical or other). Enter your temporary postal address, email address, and the start and end dates of your leave.
Research subject code(s)
Select a primary research subject code. You may add a secondary research code (optional).
- Consult NSERC’s code tables
Provide a maximum of 10 keywords that describe your areas of expertise. If you have expertise with particular instruments and techniques, specify which ones.
Contributions to research and training explanation
There are three parts to this section:
- Most significant contributions to research
- Additional information on contributions
- Past contributions to highly qualified personnel training
Consult the Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring for additional information to help you prepare this section.
If you recently completed Contributions to research and training for a Discovery Grant application, you may use the same text or amend it as appropriate.
Combine the three parts into a single PDF file to attach to this section. You must respect the guidelines outlined in the NSERC online presentation and attachment standards. You must also respect the character limits of the different sections. As a result, your final document for upload in the online system must be five pages or fewer.
1) Most significant contributions to research
A limit of 9,000 characters (including spaces) is allowed for this part.
Describe up to five of your most significant contributions to research and/or practical applications over the last six years. Contributions made more than six years ago but for which the impact is being felt now (e.g., exploitation of patent, inclusion in a code, etc.) may be described in this section only.
For each contribution, describe its impact and significance to, and use by, other researchers and end users. For collaborative contributions, describe your role.
Impact can be considered, but is not limited to, advancing knowledge, developing technology, addressing socio-economic or environmental needs or contributing to increased equity, diversity and inclusion in research.
A contribution does not have to be a single publication or report. For example, a group of publications on a specific subject could be discussed as one contribution.
- You may include the full reference to your contributions in this text box or provide the appropriate reference to your NSERC CCV.
- Applicants are asked to explain and give dates for any significant delays in the research activity or dissemination of research results (e.g., parental leave, bereavement, illness, extraordinary administrative duties) in the NSERC CCV under the section Employment (leaves of absence and impact on research).
2) Additional information on contributions
Refer to NSERC’s Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring.
A limit of 3,000 characters (including spaces) is allowed for this part.
Provide an explanation, as appropriate, concerning the contributions listed in your NSERC CCV. Such details may include:
- the nature of collaborations with other researchers
- the rationale or practice used for
- the order of authors in the publications listed, and
- the inclusion of students in the list of authors
- your role in joint publications
- the reason for selecting certain venues (journals, conferences) for publications and particular features of the venues (e.g., target audiences, review procedures)
- the impact or potential impact of patents and technology transfer
- the nature of industrially relevant R&D activities
- the significance of technical reports
- attestation to the nature and the significance of confidential technical and internal reports
- original research reported in books or technical reports
You may include other activities or information to help reviewers evaluate your contributions to and impact on science and engineering, including interdisciplinary research.
3) Past contributions to highly qualified personnel (HQP) training
Refer to NSERC’s Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring.
A limit of 6,000 characters (including spaces) is allowed in this part.
Discuss your most significant contributions to the training of HQP over the last six years.
Training supported by NSERC ranges from undergraduate theses and summer projects to postdoctoral research, and includes technical and other research personnel.
You must clearly explain your role in any co-supervision of HQP.
The assessment of past contributions to HQP training focuses on the quality and impact of training, as demonstrated through three components.
Training environment
Describe the research training and development opportunities provided for HQP (e.g., HQP science outreach and engagement, interdisciplinary research, promoting equity, diversity and inclusion [EDI] in the natural sciences and engineering [NSE], collaboration and interaction with the private and public sectors). Describe qualitatively any challenges or barriers encountered in ensuring an equitable, diverse and inclusive research and training environment, and describe specific actions implemented to address them.
Trainee demographic data is not requested nor required to assess impacts resulting from consideration of EDI in the research and training environment.
For additional guidance, applicants should refer to Alliance grants: Equity, diversity and inclusion in your training plan and the NSERC guide on integrating equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in research. For more information on equitable and inclusive recruitment practices, refer to the Canada Research Chairs’ Equity, diversity and inclusion: A best practice guide for recruitment, hiring and retention.
HQP awards and research contribution
Describe research contributions by HQP (e.g., publications, patents, key presentations) and highlight awards, scholarships and fellowships won by HQP.
Outcomes and skills gained by HQP
Describe your most significant examples of HQP outcomes and explain how your training contributed to their success (e.g., skills and experiences gained, outcomes such as further studies or career). A successful outcome can be broadly defined as any outcome (in natural sciences, engineering or other fields) in which the HQP has an impact using the skills gained in your research training environment.
Cases of HQP delays (e.g., parental, medical or bereavement leaves) that are beyond your control can be considered. A pattern of delays in graduation time or frequent student withdrawal from programs should be explained, providing the minimal amount of personal information necessary.
Attestation on confidential research contributions (optional)
Many contributions to industry or other end users take the form of technical and internal reports, some of which may be confidential to protect proprietary information. This attachment is for applicants who wish to report on any confidential reports that cannot otherwise be listed in the application. If applicable, this attachment is meant for letters from industry or end users attesting to the nature, importance and significance of these confidential reports.
Other letters of support are not accepted.
If you have more than one letter, combine them into one document and save as a single PDF file.
For additional information, refer to the Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring.
Personal information
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information provided to NSERC are outlined in the following policy statements:
- The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (including the use and disclosure of personal information provided to NSERC)
- Data retention information
- Privacy notice
The information you provide in your application is collected under the authority of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act. NSERC is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The information you provide is stored in a series of NSERC data banks described in Information about programs and information holdings.
Appendix A – Personal data
Appendix A information is automatically generated through the online system.
Complete Appendix A if you:
- are an applicant or co-applicant applying for the first time
- make updates to the personal information submitted with a previous application, or
- do not hold an appointment at a Canadian post-secondary institution
NSERC will use this information primarily to contact applicants and award holders. It may also be used to identify prospective reviewers and committee members and to generate statistics. It will not be seen or used in the adjudication process.
Appendix B – Eligibility (for university faculty)
Complete this section if you are an applicant or co-applicant holding a position at a Canadian university that is not a tenured, tenure-track or lifetime professor emeritus position at the time of application. The information you provide must be for the position you will hold at the time the grant is awarded. If you are not currently in that position, you must have a written offer. If your university has not yet confirmed your position offer, provide an explanation. Consult the eligibility criteria for details.
This information will be used by NSERC staff to determine your eligibility to hold an NSERC grant. It will not be seen or used in the adjudication process.
Appendix B1 – Eligibility (for college faculty)
Complete this section if you are an applicant on an Idea to Innovation project or a co-applicant on a research project grant application who holds a position at an eligible Canadian college at the time of application. The information you provide must be for the position you will hold at the time the grant is awarded. If you are not currently in that position, you must have a written offer. If your college or institution has not yet confirmed your position offer, provide an explanation. Consult the eligibility criteria for details.
This information will be used by NSERC staff to determine your eligibility to participate as a co-applicant on an NSERC research project grant. It will not be seen or used in the adjudication process.
Appendix C –Applicant’s activities
You must complete Appendix C if:
- you hold a part-time academic appointment at a Canadian post-secondary institution—this includes applicants or co-applicants holding an adjunct professor, professor emeritus or part-time position, or
- you hold an academic appointment at a Canadian post-secondary institution that is not a tenured or tenure-track appointment
The information must be for the position you will hold at the time the grant is awarded. It must include a full and accurate description of the position and of your research activities at the institution.
This information is collected to provide peer reviewers with additional information on your activities at the post-secondary institution and your primary place of employment (if applicable).
Description of activities at Canadian post-secondary institution
You must outline your participation in each of the following activities:
- research
- teaching
- training
- administrative
- other
Indicate the time typically spent on location at the post-secondary institution on each of these activities (e.g., one day every week, two weeks every four months).
Description of activities at a place of employment other than a Canadian post-secondary institution (if applicable)
Outline the nature of your research program and other activities at your other place of employment. Describe the relationship between your research program at this organization and the proposed research. Refer to the institution’s involvement in research and development, if possible.
Common CV attachment
Upload a PDF version of your completed Common CV. Refer to the Canadian Common CV: How to complete NSERC’s version for more information.