Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Innovation Challenge Awards
Established in 2004, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards were awarded as a way to encourage students pursuing graduate studies in the natural sciences or engineering to develop their entrepreneurial spirit. The awards successfully helped student entrepreneurs on the road to achieving their goals: around twenty start-up companies were established; and more than 80% of those who received the award said it had a positive influence on their career. As there are now many award options available to budding entrepreneurs, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards are no longer available.

Past Winners


André Arsenault
André Arsenault

Chemically Tunable Colloidal Photonic Crystals

University of Toronto


Andrew Marble
Andrew Marble

Open Bench-Top Magnetic Resonance for Quality and Process Control

University of New Brunswick

Christopher Springate
Christopher Springate

CC PasteTM – Targeted Delivery for Cancer

The University of British Columbia


Carlos de Oliveira
Carlos de Oliveira

Cast Steel Seismic-Resistant Brace Connectors

University of Toronto
Richard Dosselmann
Richard Dosselmann

Video Quality System

University of Regina
Craig Hulet
Craig Hulet

Shrouded Attrition Nozzle

The University of Western Ontario
Jennifer McMillan
Jennifer McMillan

Shrouded Attrition Nozzle

The University of Western Ontario
Mik Kersten
Mik Kersten


The University of British Columbia
Jonah Prevost Kirkwood
Jonah Prevost Kirkwood

Rapid Bacteria Identification Using a Novel Infrared Imaging System

McGill University
Babak Rezania
Babak Rezania

Ecologically Friendly Technology for Wastewater Treatment

University of Manitoba
Frederic Thouin
Frederic Thouin

Video Streaming Design Suite

McGill University
Wei Wei Wang
Wei Wei Wang

Flexible Bioelectronic Imaging Arrays Based on Bacteriorhodopsin Thin Films

The University of Western Ontario