Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Innovation Challenge Awards
Established in 2004, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards were awarded as a way to encourage students pursuing graduate studies in the natural sciences or engineering to develop their entrepreneurial spirit. The awards successfully helped student entrepreneurs on the road to achieving their goals: around twenty start-up companies were established; and more than 80% of those who received the award said it had a positive influence on their career. As there are now many award options available to budding entrepreneurs, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Awards are no longer available.

Past Winners


David Labbe
David Labbe

Development of the "Knee Glide Analyzer"

École de technologie supérieure


Jamu Alford
Jamu Alford

Device to improve MRI based molecular imaging

Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, formerly of The University of Western Ontario, Department of Physics and Astronomy

Alfred Lam
Alfred Lam

Novel membraneless direct methanol fuel cell and power method

The University of British Columbia, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering


Ahmed Awad El Sayed Ahmed
Muhammad Arsalan and Atif Shamim

Wireless dosimeter for radiotherapy applications

Carleton University, Department of Electronics
Antoine Bianchi
Irena Barbulovic-Nad

Digital microfluidics – New tool for drug discovery

University of Toronto, Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Oleksandr (Alex) Boyko
Blake Erb

Run-around membrane energy exchanger performance and operational control strategies

University of Saskatchewan, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chris Dennison
Suresh Neethirajan

Development of carbon dioxide sensor for grain quality monitoring

University of Manitoba, Department of Biosystems Engineering
Pierre-Philippe Lapointe-Garant
Xiulei Ji

Lithium sulfur batteries

University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry
Douglas McCollor
Joel Pel

Selective DNA extraction from contaminated samples using SCODA

The University of British Columbia, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Nigel R. Munce
Daniel Kirouac

A stem cell culture device implementing "biofeedback control"

University of Toronto, Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering