Cégep de La Pocatière
SBI Inc.
Air-pollutant emissions are a major issue for society, and wood-burning appliances are one of the main sources of fine particulates in the atmosphere. Ten years ago, to help develop practical solutions to this problem, Cégep de La Pocatière partnered with electromechanical engineer Guillaume Caron and his Novika Solutions technology-transfer centre to conduct research on behalf of SBI, a manufacturer of wood-burning stoves.
The expertise developed by this partnership has enabled both partners to analyze combustion cycles, to identify the main elements in these cycles that contribute to pollutant emissions and to make the necessary adjustments to improve the environmental performance of wood-burning appliances. Together, the partners have developed new technologies that reduce the fine-particulate emissions of these appliances below the strictest regulatory limits. This collaborative project has resulted in the launching of the Volta wood pellet stove, which won the 2015 Vesta Award in the United States for the best new stove of its type.
The SBI team participates actively on the committees that review standards in this field, with the constant goal of protecting air quality in Canada. Through this partnership, 15 interns have complemented their theoretical training with practical experience in applied research.
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