Coded canvas: AI in prostate cancer
In this mesmerizing tableau of prostate tissue—reminiscent of Van Gogh’s swirling skies and of Matisse’s cut-outs—science and art converge. Hues of vibrant pink and purple reveal the delicate, complex architecture of the walnut-shaped prostate gland—a microcosm of cellular interactions. In what appears as clusters of lovely flowers, both the subtleties of cancerous lesions and the resilience of healthy tissue come to light. My research navigates the synergy between AI and prostate cancer detection, where pixelated cells coalesce into a symphony of patterns that contain clues. I am harnessing this synergy to pave the way for early detection, timely intervention and better outcomes for patients.
A sliver of life
This image is the heart-stopping first look one gets of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, as a researcher flying in for a winter expedition. From this height, one can see the disappearing western point of the island, where the densely packed grey seals hauled out on the beach look like nothing more than pebbles. The island is home to the world’s largest breeding colony of grey seals, with an estimated 300,000 individuals returning each year to mate and give birth. This allows for the unique opportunity to track individual seals throughout their lives and to gain in-depth, specific information to fill knowledge gaps about their movement, reproduction and behaviour. I am using a novel way of studying the grey seal diet to better understand predator-prey relationships, specifically for Canada’s seal populations and their interactions with fish in the face of climate change.
Angular diffusion
Human stem cells have the astounding potential to differentiate into various types of cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), found in the bone marrow, are at the forefront of cutting-edge advances in medical applications such as skin wound healing and tissue regeneration. A key aspect of their regenerative potential is the ability of MSCs to migrate, which is controlled by a protein called actin. This image shows a culture of MSCs derived from human bone marrow, labelled with a fluorescent orange dye that binds to the actin, while a fluorescent blue stain (DAPI) lights up the cell nuclei. The orange dye helps us see the striking pointed shapes of the cells and the network of actin filament structures inside the cells that enables them to move to injured sites within the body. Insights into how these cells work could lead to breakthroughs in wound healing, regenerative medicine and more.
Biodiversity in a noisy urban jungle
Stéphanie Doucet
In the growing urban jungle, green spaces like parks serve as habitat islands for city-dwelling birds, providing safe havens amidst the highly modified landscape. But what can we do to create cities that are more conducive to bird life? Our research team uses bioacoustic surveys to quantify the biodiversity of urban birds. In 2023, we studied bird biodiversity in Paris, which is one of the world's most proactive cities when it comes to protecting urban parks and reducing human-generated noise. We found that bird diversity is highest in areas with low urban noise. In a quiet park in western Paris, these two peacocks howled their piercing songs, contributing their voices to our recordings of the city soundscape. Our research helps build a deeper understanding of the importance of parks for protecting birds and inform environmentally responsible urban planning.
Cellular cosmos
Adrienne Benediktsson
Ava Zare
During the development and maturation of muscle fibres, important structural changes occur as small cells with a single nucleus (myoblasts) transform into elongated cells with multiple nuclei (myotubes). The image shows mouse muscle cells (C2C12) on day 4 of development, when both myoblasts and myotubes occur. An example of a myoblast can be seen as the largest cell on the right side of the image, and an early stage myotube is present in the bottom left. In this study, we investigated cellular changes during development. Stained to aid identification, cell nuclei appear blue, Sarco Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase 1 (SERCA1) appear cyan, and mitochondrial networks (responsible for energy production) appear magenta. Viewed this way, these cells are reminiscent of the vast galaxy clusters found in outer space. By studying C2C12 cells, we hope to better understand muscle development in other organisms, such as humans.
Channels to food sustainability: the insight of mushrooms
Jarvis Stobbs
Maria G. Corradini
Canadian Light Source
Even in today's digital era, nature remains the most brilliant architect of all time. The precise arrangements of molecules into defined elements—and their subsequent assembly into larger structures—underpin the formation of all biological materials. This 3D image, produced through micro-computed tomography, shows the microstructure of an oyster mushroom. The ability to see and analyze tiny details such as the ones displayed on the image allows us to measure porosity (the volume of channels, or empty spaces) and tortuosity (the curvature of these channels). Because we know that larger, straighter channels facilitate mass exchange at a higher rate (for example, moisture loss), observing these attributes gives us clues to the stability of our samples. By better understanding the microstructure of food items, we can guide the development of effective strategies to extend their shelf life and reduce food waste.
Dividing neurons in the brain of zebrafish larvae
Humans struggle to regenerate damaged neural cells once the early development stage is over, but fish display remarkable neural regenerative abilities. The study of these abilities may help uncover clues to address traumas and neurodegenerative diseases in people. My research aims to unravel the intricate cellular and molecular processes behind neural regeneration in zebrafish. This image captures a cross-section of a larva's head that has been treated with a neurotoxin to trigger degeneration in the brain. The red-stained areas indicate cells that are actively dividing, while the blue correspond to the cells’ nucleus. The colours show us where cells proliferate—a major step in the regeneration process that occurs after injury. Our research aims to contribute vital insights into regenerative principles, thus supporting the design of innovative treatments for challenging disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Fighting the fire of inflammation
Canada has one of the world’s highest rates of inflammatory bowel disease—a condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that causes increased oxidative stress. My research aims to better understand where oxidative stress occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. This image shows a mouse colon stained with an oxidation-sensitive dye that allows us to visualize oxidative stress. Lipid radicals in the tissue—byproducts of the body’s response to oxidative stress—oxidize the dye, causing its fluorescence to change. In this image, areas with yellow fluorescence show where the dye is in its unoxidized state, while areas with red fluorescence show where the dye has been oxidized, indicating oxidative stress. The blue dots are the cells’ nuclei. By allowing a better understanding of the localization of oxidative stress in inflammatory bowel disease, this research could lead to the development of new treatments to fight the fire of gut inflammation.
Inspirational marine sponge
We are on a mission to revolutionize water filtration through super-efficient technology, thus facilitating access to clean water. Our goal? To design a highly effective membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through while blocking other molecules. This image offers a glimpse into the heart of our innovation: a structured membrane with intricate layers, resembling the white sponges that you might find in the ocean. What makes it special is that the polymeric support layer at the bottom has lots of tiny holes, while the top layer is a finely calibrated thin solid layer made of nanomaterials. Put them together, and voilà—you get a top-notch membrane that uses less energy to separate water molecules from other molecules, making the filtration process more efficient. Through our research, we are reshaping the core of the filtration system for a greener, more energy-efficient future.
Leaky leaves
As the climate warms and air temperature rises, trees around the world must contend with an ever-drier atmosphere—but it turns out that they may have a secret weapon to help them cope. Indeed, plants have the ability to adjust the number and size of their stomata, the minute sites of gas exchange on their leaf surfaces. I am trying to find out whether trees do, in fact, show acclimation by adjusting their stomata in response to the amount of water they received in the past. To view the stomata, I spread a thin layer of clear nail polish over the surface of the leaf, waited until it hardened and used tape to transfer the impression onto a slide. In this image, we see a mosaic of stomata and epidermal (outermost layer) cells as well as a single yellow-brown trichome (hair) on the underside of a paper birch (Betula papyrifera) leaf. I love this technique for its sheer simplicity—it is fast, inexpensive and easy enough to teach to primary school students. But it can also give us valuable insights into how forests may be able to cope in the face of future droughts.
Magma of the mind
What may look like a scene from Pompei is actually an image that shows how neurons communicate with each other and the rest of the body. Here, we see clusters of neurons in the part of a mouse’s brain called the hypothalamus. Some of these neurons—the ones in the triangular regions at the bottom centre of the image—regulate sleep-wake cycles. The bright clusters of neurons at the far left and right, and in the centre at the top, monitor water levels in the body. Processes (thin extensions attached to nerve cell bodies) carry substances between these clusters, to distant brain regions and out into the body’s circulatory system. My research involves studying how these neurons release substances into circulation to control water balance, and how this process is disrupted in diseases like hypertension. Understanding how these regions function normally—and how they fail in certain diseases—may be the key to addressing the most pervasive illnesses of this generation.
Mapping the womb of a pregnant star
With the technology available today, astronomers can capture planet formation in action. Shown in the image are sibling planets being born deep inside a thick cloud of rotating cosmic gas, held together by the gravity of their parent star at the very centre. Much like an ultrasound (but taken with a world-class radio telescope), this image reveals the stellar "womb"—a glowing cloud of gas 100,000 times bigger than the star itself. Within the cloud (coloured blue), we see gas condensing into giant spiral arms (coloured gold). The bright tiny clumps (in pink) along these arms may be the embryos of planets, like Earth or Jupiter. The lifetime of a cloud like this (the "gestation period" of a star) is short, so there are relatively few pregnant stars in the sky at any time. Here we catch a glimpse before the cloud disappears and leaves behind a baby solar system.
A micro-crafted marvel of fused silica
Luca Sorelli
Cement and concrete manufacturing generate about 10% of the world’s CO2 emissions, so there is a real need to find greener alternatives. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of cement paste, the binder agent in concrete, we applied a novel testing method using a versatile nanoindenter, an instrument that helps determine the mechanical properties of materials at the micro-scale. We performed several tests (e. g. creep—or slow deformation—, compression and splitting) on microscale-sized samples in the shape of cubes or prisms. When using a nanoindenter, we need to pay careful attention to the instrument’s thermal drift (variation in temperature) since it may lead to inaccurate readings. To measure the drift, we fabricated a grid of micro-prisms (150×150×300 µm) made of fused silica using a specialized micro-dicing saw. The grid (shown on the image) served to measure thermal variation before conducting the main tests, therefore guaranteeing precision in the microscale mechanical property evaluations.
Portrait of a pycnogonid
Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) are a group of marine arthropods (invertebrates with a hard external skeleton and jointed legs) that evolved more than 400 million years ago. They can be found in oceans around the world, from shallow waters to depths of 7000 m. This image shows the right side of a sea spider of the Ammotheidae family, collected in waters in Vancouver, B.C. We can see its eight legs (used mostly for walking), its small upright abdomen, its ocular tubercle (where the eyes are located), and the clawed mouthparts it uses for feeding. I study the microscopic structures of sea spiders to better understand their physiology and species diversity. The future of ecology and conservation efforts depends on reliable records of species and their distribution. My work aims to ensure the often-overlooked sea spiders are characterized and recognized for their role in marine ecosystems.
Research is made of trials, errors... and bubbles
On the research journey, errors are both frequent and invaluable. Our exploration into translucent concrete was no exception. This image captures such an error—but also the surprising beauty of the bubbles that arose from an imperfect process. Our experimental approach to creating translucent concrete, combining PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) and concrete, aims to push the boundaries of architectural lighting. Though unintended, these bubbles are not merely anomalies, but are an opportunity to play with aesthetics (where error meets art). They remind us that research is a winding path where setbacks can offer valuable lessons. Rather than seeking perfect outcomes, our mission in research is to embrace the unexpected as motivation for innovation. In “errors”, we find inspiration for new possibilities.
Biological armour: Rethinking the skeleton in the skin
While lizards may appear unassuming, beneath their scales lies a hidden marvel. Many lizard species have a second skeleton of bony elements, called osteoderms, embedded within their skin. These mineral structures can act as a built-in body armour that helps protect them against rivals and predators. On the image, we see a cross-section of an osteoderm from an Australian shingleback skink. The red stain indicates collagen fibers, while the middle of the image is dominated by marrow-filled canals. The concentric rings surrounding the canals form when the bone material is absorbed and redeposited into sheets, remaining as traces of the dynamic transformation of the canals over time. My research explores osteoderm diversity across lizard species, offering insights into form and function. These findings could help inform the creation of bio-inspired materials to build better protective equipment, from football padding to helmets.
The black hole
White matter fibre tracts—a type of specialized nerve connections—facilitate communication between different regions of the brain. The image was created via an advanced brain-imaging technique called diffusion tensor imaging or DTI. The technique allows us to trace the diffusion of water molecules within the brain, unveiling with precision the orientation of brain fibres. Each colour on the image represents a unique fibre direction. At the top right, there is a gap reminiscent of a black hole. This is what happens when brain tissue becomes damaged due to a lack of oxygen (e.g. in individuals who have suffered a stroke), which disrupts communication pathways. By assessing which brain regions’ communication pathways are affected and to what extent, we may be able to predict recovery outcomes for vital functions, such as speech and movement (motor skills).
A hidden killer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Summerland Research and Development Center
Many microbes live in the internal tissues of plants, sometimes to the plant’s benefit. However, some can turn from friend to foe. For example, the fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea can live quietly in grapevines. It colonizes the xylem vessels—the pipelines transporting water and minerals from the roots to the upper parts of the plant. However, when the plant is stressed, the fungus can start to grow faster and clog the delicate xylem vessels (tube in blue) with its mycelial networks (in yellow), gathering nutrients and causing the plant to die of thirst. Our research looks at the factors that determine the virulence of this fungus, and aims to gain a better understanding of why some fungi are more harmful to their host than others. If we can predict when and why fungi cause disease, we may be able to alter growing conditions in order to reduce their impact on important crops, such as grapevines.
An orbital mission
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
The human eye may hold secrets that have yet to be unveiled, but we are working to uncover them. The wide-angle image on the left shows the interior surface of the retina in a healthy eye (normal vision). In contrast, the image on the right captures the ethereal view of retinal changes that occur with extreme near-sightedness (known as pathological myopia). Perhaps because so many people now do work that requires them to focus on nearby objects for extended periods, the number of near-sighted individuals is growing, as is the severity of their myopia—issues that are becoming a public health concern. Our research focuses on developing computer-aided tools to determine the key characteristics of pathological myopia. This work has the potential to speed up the diagnostic process by helping to predict who might develop pathological myopia and other retinal complications of myopia. Our ultimate goal is to improve patients' vision and health.
A vivid voyage in mammalian cells
Our research is like a detective story playing out in the cell: we are trying to figure out why, when the cell’s powerhouses (mitochondria) are in trouble, the cell’s delivery vehicles (early endosomes) gather near the control center (the nucleus). These vehicles travel on a web of tracks (microtubules) within the cell, shown in green in the image, that function like roads within a city. The image captures these roads in a healthy mammalian cell; the delivery vehicles appear in red and the control center in blue. In cells that have faulty powerhouses, the vehicles would be huddled together on the green tracks. By studying how the vehicles crowd together in this way, we learn what is needed for traffic in the cell to flow smoothly. Unraveling the mysteries of cellular traffic not only enhances our fundamental understanding of cell biology, but also holds promise for developing novel therapeutic strategies and biomedical technologies to address a wide range of diseases and conditions.