Grant | College | Title | Term | Amount awarded |
ARTI | Cégep André-Laurendeau | Équipements de pointe en radiophotométrie de précision pour la conception, fabrication, assemblage et test d'équipements optiques | 1 | $147,325 |
ARTI | Cégep de Chicoutimi | Équipement de navigation inertielle pour système de télédétection multicapteur de haute résolution | 1 | $38,750 |
ARTI | Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles | Instrumentation d'un microréseau isolé afin d'augmenter le taux de pénétration des énergies renouvelables dans les collectivités isolées du Canada | 1 | $149,876 |
ARTI | Cégep de La Pocatière | Source laser femtoseconde | 1 | $149,699 |
ARTI | Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon | Cellule recherche en robotique collaborative, adaptative et intelligente | 1 | $140,126 |
ARTI | Cégep de Sainte-Foy | Accroissement de la capacité de recherche et de services à l'industrie en réalité augmentée/virtuelle et en intelligence artificielle | 1 | $149,732 |
ARTI | Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe | Robot collaboratif pour inspection et manipulation de renfort préformé pour les composites | 1 | $140,000 |
ARTI | Cégep de Shawinigan | Acquisition d'une plate-forme de bioréacteurs innovants et réseautés pour la production autonome de biomolécules microbiennes |
1 | $147,315 |
ARTI | Cégep de Trois-Rivières | Caractérisation et fractionnement d'extraits issus de biomasses par chromatographie liquide à haute performance | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Cégep Marie-Victorin | Développement du laboratoire pour le vêtement intelligent et le développement durable | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Cégep régional de Lanaudière | Subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche appliquée | 1 | $140,052 |
ARTI | Centre Tech des Résidus Industriels | Nouveau instrument analytique pour la caractérisation des résidus industriels | 1 | $149,930 |
ARTI | CETAB+ | Technologies durables et rentables pour le verger écologique de demain | 1 | $149,275 |
ARTI | Collège Ahuntsic | Ajouts d'outils de caractérisation et de conditionnement des imprimés fonctionnels | 1 | $149,552 |
ARTI | Collège communautaire du NB | Machine d'impact | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Collège de Maisonneuve | Acquisition d'un équipement d'analyse de sorption de vapeur dynamique et d'une chambre environnementale destinés à l'analyse de vieillissement accéléré de produits alimentaires | 1 | $84,607 |
ARTI | Collège Mérici | Instruments spécialisés pour la fabrication additive de prototypes, d'appareillages et de composantes médicales et paramédicales | 1 | $24,967 |
ARTI | Fanshawe College | Nutritional Testing Equipment to Support Emerging Agri-Food Businesses | 1 | $91,682 |
ARTI | Holland College | Expanding research capacity in beverage formulation and analysis with an Anton Paar Alcolyzer and Density Meter System | 1 | $111,122 |
ARTI | Lambton College | Laboratory Equipment for Validation, Optimization and Commercialization of Clean Energy Conversion and Storage Devices and Technologies | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Lethbridge College | Quality inspection of agri-food products using near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Mohawk College | Operational Technology, Monitoring and Testing Equipment | 1 | $149,145 |
ARTI | North Island College | Food processing equipment to support value-added food product R&D on northern Vancouver Island | 1 | $144,500 |
ARTI | Nova Scotia Community College | Advanced environmental chamber equipment for enhanced capacity in Nova Scotia's agricultural industry | 1 | $149,931 |
ARTI | Okanagan College | Applied Research on utilizing 3D Scanning and 3D Printing Technologies to Optimize Aircraft Maintenance and Repair |
1 | $52,685 |
ARTI | Red River College | Diagnostic Testing Equipment and Software to Support Non-Destructive Testing and Prototyping | 1 | $147,335 |
ARTI | Selkirk College | Applied Research in Advanced Manufacturing: Establishing a Metrology Lab | 1 | $150,000 |
ARTI | Selkirk College | Enhancing Selkirk College's RPAS Capacity | 1 | $147,658 |
IE | Cégep de Baie-Comeau | Essor de quatre productions fruitières spécifiques à la Côte-Nord : ronce arctique, chicouté, camarine noire et airelle vigne d'Ida | 5 | $1,999,994 |
IE | Cégep de Sherbrooke | Concrétisation de l'intelligence artificielle manufacturière - une architecture de systèmes optimisée en mode "Living Lab" | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Collège de Maisonneuve | Cannabis: from plant to the market | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Collège Mérici | Customization of lower limb orthotic devices | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Conestoga College | Secure Digital Supply Chain | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Fleming College | Centre for Innovative Aquaculture Production | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Fleming College | Sensors and Communication Technologies for Industrial Internet of Things Applications | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Olds College | Smart Agriculture Applied Research Program | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Red Deer College | Alternative Energy Management | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Seneca College | Seneca Centre for Innovation in Life Sciences (SCILS) | 5 | $2,000,000 |
IE | Assiniboine Community College | Building applied research capacity to support Manitoba agriculture, innovation, and sustainability | 2 | $190,880 |
IE | Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu | Corrélations et incidences des paramètres d'élevage optimaux sur la valeur nutritive du ténébrion meunier (tenebrio molitor) | 2 | $199,990 |
IE | Humber College | Institute for Design-Driven Analytics | 2 | $200,000 |
IE | Parkland College | Enhancement of the Parkland College Research Farm | 2 | $200,000 |
IE | Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon | Mise au point de plateformes permettant l'analyse du potentiel bioactif et thérapeutique de cannabinoïdes | 3 | $900,000 |
IE | Centennial College | Next Generation Energy Storage, Optimization, and Microgrids for a Carbon-Constrained Economy | 3 | $899,999 |
IE | Centennial College | Technology Solutions for Healthcare Management and Health Research and Promotion | 3 | $900,000 |
IE | La Cité collégiale | Demande du Centre d'accès à la technologie en bio-innovation | 3 | $900,000 |
IE | Lakeland College | Enhancing Commercial Agricultural Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability | 3 | $900,000 |
IE | Niagara College Canada | Increasing Economic Prosperity through Beverage Innovation & Commercialization | 3 | $900,000 |
IE | Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology | Green Chemistry for the Valorization of Resource Industry By-products | 3 | $900,000 |
CCSIF | Algonquin College | Mamiwi maadaadizi - "The Start of an Algonquin Journey" | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Algonquin College | Victim Services and Vicarious Resilience | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Bow Valley College | Where I belong: public spaces and everyday acts of inclusion | 3 | $359,636 |
CCSIF | Cambrian College | Cambrian Indigenous Post-Secondary Transition Program | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Cambrian College | Urban Agriculture Program Monitoring | 3 | $355,749 |
CCSIF | Cégep de Jonquière | La mise en place d'une structure d'innovation ouverte au service de la mobilité durable à l'intention des générateurs de déplacements |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup | Co-construire une Fab Région : quelles modalités de coordination pour une transition vers un Bas-Saint-Laurent autonome et connecté ? | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Cégep de Victoriaville | Vitaliser les territoires par l'établissement agricole : la connectivité comme facteur de revitalisation des communautés rurales |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Cégep de Victoriaville | Contribuer à la vitalité des communautés : coconstruire la pérennité des incubateurs d'entreprises agricoles |
3 | $354,154 |
CCSIF | Cégep Édouard-Montpetit | Pratique religieuse dans les cégeps : nouvelles avenues pour une meilleure intégration | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Cégep Marie-Victorin | Sens et effets de l'éducation en prison : L'expérience et la perspective des apprenants judiciarisés | 2 | $238,850 |
CCSIF | Collège Boréal | Catalyser l'atteinte du plein potentiel socio-économique du nouvel arrivant | 3 | $346,116 |
CCSIF | Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne | Le numérique au service de l'aide à domicile | 3 | $353,016 |
CCSIF | Collège de Maisonneuve | Mettre en scène l'interculturel en entreprise : le théâtre d'intervention au service de l'insertion durable en emploi des personnes immigrantes | 3 | $194,178 |
CCSIF | Collège de Maisonneuve | Pour un référentiel de compétences des conseillers en emploi oeuvrant auprès des personnes immigrantes |
3 | $359,884 |
CCSIF | Collège de Rosemont | Initiatives citoyennes d'appropriation des parcs urbains à Montréal : modèles, enjeux, stratégies et résultats sociaux |
3 | $240,959 |
CCSIF | College of New Caledonia | How much stress hurts? International students, mental health and potential impact on services and communities | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Conestoga College | Leveraging Community Contributions to Acquire Local Real Estate for Long-Term Affordability and Sustainability |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Conestoga College | Restoring Language, Culture and Land: Mobilizing a Community Around Indigenous Knowledge | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Durham College | Building Bridges Together: Co-production of Financial Empowerment Strategies with People Experiencing Low Income | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Durham College | Enriching firefighter training through the development of a novel virtual reality training simulation for personalized, precision skill and resilience training | 3 | $358,920 |
CCSIF | Durham College | Innovation through co-production: A holistic approach to supporting social competency in pre-school children | 3 | $318,446 |
CCSIF | École nationale de cirque | Evaluation of social innovation to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion in performing arts outreach programming across Canada |
3 | $359,973 |
CCSIF | Fanshawe College | Sorting with Transparency (SWT): A Reformative and Innovative Social Ecosystem for Sorting, Grading and Re-purposing of Apparel |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Fleming College | Diversity, policing and learning: Meeting community needs for inclusive policing practices | 3 | $208,417 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | Designing and implementing environmental inquiry strategies in urban early years programs in Canada to support healthy development and environmental awareness |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | Design thinking to optimize PrE-surgicAl CarE (PEACE): using big data for holistic and integrated patient care |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | Impact of Canadian newcomer's country of origin's culture on AI and robot-enabled Canadian workplace culture |
2 | $240,000 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | Job Talks Access: Innovative National Surveys and Video Series of Workers with Disabilities | 3 | $359,395 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | Supporting Peer Work | 3 | $332,480 |
CCSIF | George Brown College | The Communal Lunch Project: Building capacity in programming to support student well-being | 3 | $333,235 |
CCSIF | Humber College | Affordable Housing Needs in South Etobicoke | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Humber College | Community Agency Partnerships: Best Practices for the Creation of Healthy Communities | 3 | $219,183 |
CCSIF | Humber College | Engaging and Education Young-Adult Cannabis 2.0 Consumers | 3 | $343,823 |
CCSIF | Humber College | Experiences of hope, self-compassion and authentic collaboration: Foundations for a consumer-informed compassion-based human services delivery framework in a Canadian context |
3 | $323,239 |
CCSIF | Humber College | Measuring the Impact of 21st Century Experiential Learning on new Immigrants Workplace Performance | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | Planning for Sustainable Food Systems in Canada | 3 | $357,396 |
CCSIF | Langara College | Immigration, Education & Employment Pathways of Urban and Rural International Students in BC: What is Going On? |
3 | $358,749 |
CCSIF | Loyalist College | Intergenerational Home Sharing Program: College Students Co-living with Older Adults | 3 | $359,793 |
CCSIF | Mohawk College | Translating Employer Job Performance Expectations for College Contexts: A Demand-Led Solution to the Skills Articulation Gap | 2 | $232,746 |
CCSIF | Mohawk College | The City School Model: Researching the Impact of Employer-designed Career Access Programs in Improving Outcomes for Under-served Communities |
3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Mohawk College | Wellness Connect: Improving At-Risk Student Capabilities and Well-Being to Access and Persist in Postsecondary Education |
3 | $359,803 |
CCSIF | New Brunswick Community College | Non-Profit Data Collaboration for Community Prosperity | 3 | $353,684 |
CCSIF | Niagara College Canada | An Interprofessional Train-the-Trainer Solution to the Diabetic Foot-Care Crisis Within Community Shelters | 2 | $209,576 |
CCSIF | NorQuest College | Improving Continuing Care Outcomes for Traditionally Marginalized Populations in Alberta | 3 | $359,185 |
CCSIF | Nova Scotia Community College | Acadia First Nation Energy Resiliency Project | 3 | $356,400 |
CCSIF | Nova Scotia Community College | Water Security Challenges in Rural and Remote Communities: A Qualitative Approach to Developing Best Practices in Southwestern Nova Scotia | 3 | $316,992 |
CCSIF | Saskatchewan Polytechnic | Developing a Digital Archives Toolkit: A Pilot Project with the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation | 1 | $120,000 |
CCSIF | Saskatchewan Polytechnic | Remote Sensing of Residential School Cemeteries | 2 | $240,000 |
CCSIF | Seneca College | Decreasing Barriers Faced by Low Income Communities through the Development of Innovative Online Assistance System for Tax Filing | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Seneca College | Enhancing Language and Learning Development for Children with Disabilities Living in Rural and Remote Communities, using an Interactive Web-Based Assistive Communication Platform | 2 | $237,859 |
CCSIF | Sheridan College | Community Ideas Factory: Behavioural Insights Unit | 3 | $360,000 |
CCSIF | Sheridan College | Seniors Anti-bullying Implementation and Evaluation Project | 3 | $353,110 |
CCSIF | Southern Alberta Inst. of Technology | Advancing Transcultural Communication and Engagement | 3 | $346,707 |
CCSIF | St. Clair College | Addressing child literacy concerns in Windsor-Essex County through a place- and equity-based Cradle to Career approach |
3 | $360,000 |
IRCC | Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology | IRCC in Boreal reclamation and reforestation | 5 | $1,000,000 |
TAC | Red River College | Building Envelope Technology Access Centre (BETAC) | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | La Cité collégiale | Demande de renouvèlement du Centre d'accès à la technnologie en bio-innovation | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Centennial College | Wearable, Interactive, and Mobile Technologies Access Centre in Healthcare (WIMTACH) | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Red Deer College | Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing - Technology Access Centre (CIM-TAC) | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Mohawk College | Energy Efficiency Technology Access Centre | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Conestoga College | Conestoga's SMART Centre: Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Recycling Technologies - Specializing in Sustainable Life-Cycle Products and Materials | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Collège d'Alma | Renforcement de la capacité d'innovation de la filière de production du biochar | 5 | $500,000 |
TAC | Lethbridge College | Integrated Agriculture Technology Centre | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Northern Alberta Inst. of Technology | The Technology Access Centre for Oil Sands Sustainability | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Cégep de Saint-Jérôme | Centre de développement des composites du Québec | 5 | $500,000 |
TAC | Cégep de Thetford | Promotion de la géométallurgie comme outil de développement des projets miniers | 5 | $500,000 |
TAC | Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles | Groupe récréotourisme durable - Renforcement des capacités d'innovation du milieu récréotouristique | 5 | $500,000 |
TAC | Selkirk College | Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Materials | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Saskatchewan Polytechnic | Digital Integration Centre of Excellence (DICE): Data-Driven Research | 5 | $1,750,000 |
TAC | Cégep de Sainte-Foy | Renforcement de la capacité d'innovation des entreprises par la création d'une nouvelle tâche en développement des affaires | 5 | $500,000 |
TAC | Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy | Centre de recherche et d'innovation en sécurité civile du Québec (Centre RISC) | 5 | $500,000 |
The abbreviations under the "Grant" column heading in the table correspond to the following grants:
ARTI: Applied Research Tools and Instruments grants
IE: Innovation Enhancement grants
TAC: Technology Access Centre grants
IRCC: Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges grants
CCSIF: College and Community Social Innovation Fund