Public voting now open!
Jury Prizes (x3)
People's Choice

How Do I Enter?

  • You can apply as an individual or as a group
  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or foreign student living in Canada enrolled at a Canadian institution
  • Submit only one image to the contest
  • Your image must be directly related to your research
  • Provide a written description of your image
  • Submit online by January 30, 2024

Quick Tips

You must submit your image with the following three elements:

A catchy title

  • Make it memorable
  • Describe your image
  • Use 60 characters or less


"Dangerous liaisons"

Description of the research

  • Start with an introductory sentence that puts the topic of your research in context
  • Describe what can be seen in the image and include visual cues
  • Mention the potential benefits or practical applications of your research
  • Write for an audience that is curious, but not expert in your field
  • Be concise: you have a 900-character limit


“The zebra mussel is an invasive Eurasian mollusc that can harm North American-native mussels through intense biofouling—that is, by attaching to and overgrowing the North American mussel shells—which can cause suffocation, starvation, energy loss and subsequent death. My research examines the impacts of zebra mussel biofouling on native mussels in an invaded Quebec lake whose water chemistry was thought to be suboptimal for supporting a dense zebra mussel population. An exploratory scuba dive in the lake discovered an alarming level of biofouling of the same magnitude observed in a few sites deemed to be optimal habitats for zebra mussels. The zebra mussels have caused the collapse of native mussel populations, and my research results will inform and possibly revise risk assessments to predict which habitats’ native biodiversity is most susceptible to a zebra mussel invasion.”

Information about the technique used

  • What technology did you use to ccapture the image?
  • Did you edit the image in any way?


"We used confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to capture their fluorescent signals, and the image was then colourized."

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