
Alphabetical Search by Partner Name

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Found 48 results.
IAMGOLD Corporation
IBI Group
IBM Canada Ltd.
iCORE - Informatics Circle of Research Excellence
Igloo Prebuilt Homes
IMAC Automatisation
Imhotep’s Legacy Academy
Imperial Oil Ltd
Indigenous Engineering Inclusion Inc.
Industries Maibec inc.
Informatics Circle of Research Excellence of Alberta (iCORE)
Inmet Mining Corp.
Innov & Export PME
Innovation Maritime
Innovation Systems Research Network/Réseau national sur les systèmes régionaux d'innovation
Inortech EMCO
Insituform Technologies Ltd.
Institut de développement de produits
Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec
Institut Herzberg d'astrophysique du CNRC
Institut national d'optique
Institut technologique de maintenance industrielle (ITMI)1 du Cégep de Sept-Îles
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction/Institut de prévention des sinistres catastrophiques
Intélec Géomatique
Intact Financial Corporation
Integrated Management & Realty
Intel Corporation
Intel PSG
Interdisciplinary Centre for the Development of Ocean Mapping (CIDCO)
International Aluminium Institute
International Copper Association
International Forest Products Ltd.
International Paper
Intervet Canada Corporation
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Invar Building Inc.
inVentiv Health Clinique
Inversa Systems Ltd.
IoT Foundry
Iris Meck Communication Inc.
ISIS Canada
ITF labs
Found 48 results.



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