

Wagdi Habashi

Wagdi Habashi

Department of Mechanical Engineering
McGill University

Chair title

NSERC-J. Armand Bombardier Industrial Research Chair of Multidisciplinary CFD, with the participation of Bell Helicopter Textron and CAE Inc.

Chair program

Industrial Research Chairs program


Senior Chairholder since 2002


The Chair, sponsored by three major Canadian aerospace companies, is to continue developing advanced flow simulation methods that will shorten time to market and increase aviation safety. The Chairholder, known internationally in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), has throughout his career developed novel simulation techniques and applied them in industrial settings, worldwide. The current Chair will lead to products that are optimized to increase aviation safety during in-flight icing encounters via a faster certification process, a more thorough exploration of the combined flight and icing envelopes than is possible by testing, optimized ice protection systems that work better and require less power, larger scale and more accurate CFD approaches that account for more phenomena and reduce reliance on physical or flight testing, and reduced order modeling that can eventually be used to train pilots in real time in new in-flight icing simulators.


  • Bombardier Inc. (Fondation J. Armand Bombardier)
  • Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
  • CAE Inc.

Contact information

Department of Mechanical Engineering
McGill University
Montréal, Québec
H3A 2S6

Tel.: 514-398-3747
Fax: 514-398-2203


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