Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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2020 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

University of Northern British Columbia-
Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Bryan, Heather
Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RGPIN Disease ecology and ecophysiology of wildlife in changing ecosystems 1503 5 $28,000.00
Dawson, Russell
Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RGPIN Reproductive Effort and Success in Birds 1503 5 $40,000.00
Furber, Kendra
Northern Medical Program
RGPIN Molecular determinants of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination 1501 5 $30,000.00
Huber, Dezene
Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RGPIN Arthropod biodiversity following massive disturbances in western Canadian forests 1503 5 $33,000.00
Wood, Lisa
Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RGPIN Disturbance stress in forest plants as a result of sub-lethal glyphosate-based herbicides 1502 5 $24,000.00
Wood, Lisa
Ecosystem Science and Management Program
RTI Advanced environmentally-controlled experimentation to evaluate plant stressors and growth success 1602 1 $149,226.00
Zhou, Jianhui
Science and Management, College of
RGPIN Vibration Serviceability and Vibroacoustic Performance of Mass Timber Floor Systems 1509 5 $23,000.00