Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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2022 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

The University of Western Ontario
Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Abdolvand, Hamidreza
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN The micromechanics of ductile to brittle fracture in polycrystals 1511 5 $33,000.00
Adamiak, Kazimierz
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN A comprehensive numerical model for the electrohydrodynamic flow generated by gas discharges and its application to simulate, design and optimize practical devices and processes 1510 5 $33,000.00
Anazodo, Udunna
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Intelligent PET/MR Imaging for Mapping Brain Health. 1505 5 $25,000.00
Anazodo, Udunna
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
DGECR Intelligent PET/MR Imaging for Mapping Brain Health. 1505 1 $12,500.00
Bauer, Michael
Computer Science - Computer Science
RGPIN Cooperating Autonomic Agents for Management of Complex Systems 1507 5 $29,000.00
Beveridge, Tyler
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
DGECR Functional Neuro-organization of the Peripheral Abdominopelvic Autonomic Plexuses in Humans; an Immunohistochemical and Radiologic Approach 1502 1 $12,500.00
Beveridge, Tyler
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Functional Neuro-organization of the Peripheral Abdominopelvic Autonomic Plexuses in Humans; an Immunohistochemical and Radiologic Approach 1502 5 $38,000.00
Biesinger, Mark
Chemistry - Chemistry
DGECR Advancing Surface Analysis Techniques and Methodologies for Materials Research 1504 1 $12,500.00
Biesinger, Mark
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Advancing Surface Analysis Techniques and Methodologies for Materials Research 1504 5 $25,000.00
Birceanu, Oana
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
DGECR Mechanisms of coping with a lifetime of environmental challenges: Integrating growth, metabolism and stress physiology across multiple generations 1502 1 $12,500.00
Birceanu, Oana
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RGPIN Mechanisms of coping with a lifetime of environmental challenges: Integrating growth, metabolism and stress physiology across multiple generations 1502 5 $29,000.00
Branch, Carrie
Psychology - Psychology
DGECR How environmental variation shapes the relationship between cognition and signaling across North American Paridae 1503 1 $12,500.00
Branch, Carrie
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN How environmental variation shapes the relationship between cognition and signaling across North American Paridae 1503 5 $29,000.00
Buchel, Alex
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
SAPIN Dynamical Phenomena in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory 19 5 $85,000.00
Burton, Jeremy
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Critical cross feeding mechanisms of microbial communities in the gut: menaquinone production and bacterial bioenergetics 1501 5 $29,941.00
Charles, Christopher
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
SAPIN Production of Radioactive Molecules in Radiofrequency Quadrupole Gas-Cells 19 5 $33,000.00
Charpentier, Paul
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Assembly and Disassembly of Polymer Hybrids Using Green Solvents 1511 5 $33,000.00
Christensen, J Daniel
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Homotopy theory, homotopy type theory and higher topos theory 1508 5 $24,000.00
Corrigan, John
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Molecules to Nanomaterials: Tailored Routes to Clusters 1504 5 $48,000.00
Culham, Jody
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Immersive Neuroscience: Bringing the Study of the Human Brain and Behavior Closer to Real Life 1502 5 $78,000.00
DeKoter, Rodney
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Biological role of the lineage-determining transcription factor Spi-C in B cells 1501 5 $48,000.00
Dhanvantari, Savita
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Molecular Mechanisms of Proglucagon Trafficking in Pancreatic Alpha Cells 1502 5 $28,000.00
Diedrichsen, Jörn
Computer Science - Computer Science
RGPIN A generative approach to human brain mapping 1502 5 $55,000.00
Diop, Mamadou
Medical Biophysics
DH Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing Spectrometer for Adult Neuromonitoring in Cardiac Surgery 1635 5 $200,937.00
Eagleson, Roy
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Design and Evaluation of Augmented Reality and VR-Based Task Simulators 1510 5 $39,000.00
Edgell, David
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RGPIN Understanding and manipulating gene-editing outcomes in eukaryotic microalgae 1501 5 $40,000.00
El Damatty, Ashraf
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Resilience of Transmission Line Structures to Extreme Weather Events 1509 5 $52,000.00
Everling, Stefan
Robarts Research Institute
RGPIN Networks underlying social cognition in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging 1502 5 $39,000.00
Ferreira, Louis
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RTI CT--Compatible Hexapod Robot for Multi--Directional Mechanical Testing of Bone by Digital Volume Correlation 1612 1 $140,098.00
Flemming, Roberta
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
RGPIN Mineral Structure and Deformation as Key Recorders of Earth and Planetary Processes 1506 5 $30,000.00
Gateman, Samantha
Chemistry - Chemistry
RGPIN Characterizing Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Advanced Coating Technologies using Micro Electrochemical Methods 1504 5 $25,000.00
Gateman, Samantha
Chemistry - Chemistry
DGECR Characterizing Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Advanced Coating Technologies using Micro Electrochemical Methods 1504 1 $12,500.00
Gweon, Hyukjun
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
DGECR Predictive analysis and quality assessment in statistical learning 1508 1 $12,500.00
Gweon, Hyukjun
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
RGPIN Predictive analysis and quality assessment in statistical learning 1508 5 $19,000.00
Hayden, Elizabeth
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Advancing the study of emotional development through novel modeling and coding approaches 1502 5 $39,000.00
Heinrichs, David
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Interactions between coagulase-negative staphylococci and the host 1501 5 $48,000.00
Heit, Bryan
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Cages, Corrals and Vesicular Trafficking Shape the Diffusional Environment of the Plasma Membrane. 1501 5 $40,000.00
Hong, Hanping
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Probabilistic modelling and Quantification of Natural Hazards and Multi-risk at Site and Regional levels 1509 5 $52,000.00
Hrymak, Andrew
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Molding of Filled Polymer Nanocomposites 1511 5 $28,000.00
Jiang, Liying
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Multi-physics modeling on soft and smart materials for applications and development of soft material-based devices and metamaterials 1512 5 $32,000.00
Joanisse, Marc
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN How nature and nurture shape the reading brain 1502 5 $55,000.00
Johlin, Eric
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RTI System for fabrication and characterisation of novel perovskite solar cells 1611 1 $117,638.00
Jones, Carol
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RGPIN Evolution of Circumstellar Disks Surrounding Massive Stars 1505 5 $28,000.00
Kavaliers, Martin
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Social Factors and the Neuromodulation of Parasite Avoidance 1502 5 $42,905.00
Knopf, George
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Degradable Carbon-based Printed Electronic Sensors and Microdevices 1511 5 $28,000.00
Ladak, Hanif
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Modeling Electrical Conduction in the Cochlea for Implant Engineering 1510 5 $55,000.00
Laird, Dale
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Role of junctional complexes in the maintenance and renewal of the epidermis 1501 5 $40,000.00
Lajoie, Patrick
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress resistance in yeast 1501 5 $32,000.00
Laviolette, Steven
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Understanding Functional Interactions Between Cannabinoid and Dopamine Signaling Pathways: Impacts on Emotional and Cognitive Processing 1502 5 $65,000.00
Li, Qiuyi
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
DGECR Smart Observational Methods for Geomechanical Systems 1509 1 $12,500.00
Li, Qiuyi
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Smart Observational Methods for Geomechanical Systems 1509 5 $27,000.00
Lu, Van
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
DGECR Mechanisms of ion channel modulation in human enteroendocrine cells by bacterial metabolites 1501 1 $12,500.00
Lu, Van
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RGPIN Mechanisms of ion channel modulation in human enteroendocrine cells by bacterial metabolites 1501 5 $28,000.00
McCormick, John
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RTI Multimodal Microplate Reader for Research in Microbiology and Immunology 1601 1 $149,160.00
McGavin, Martin
Microbiology and Immunology - Microbiology and Immunology
RGPIN Role and regulation of Resistance-Nodulation-Division family efflux pumps in physiology and resistance mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus 1501 5 $34,000.00
McLeod, John
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
DGECR Characterization of Semiconductors for Novel Electronic, Photonic, and Energy Applications 1510 1 $12,500.00
McLeod, John
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Characterization of Semiconductors for Novel Electronic, Photonic, and Energy Applications 1510 5 $26,000.00
Naish, Michael
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RGPIN Multisensor Systems for Physical Activity Monitoring and Assessment 1510 5 $28,000.00
Neish, Catherine
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
RGPIN Home from Away: The Earth as an Analogue for Understanding Planetary Geologic Processes 1506 5 $46,484.00
Ng, Geoffrey
Robarts Research Institute
DGECR Biomechanical Modelling to Characterize Soft Tissue Contributions to Hip Joint Stability and Loading Mechanics 1512 1 $12,500.00
Ng, Geoffrey
Robarts Research Institute
RGPIN Biomechanical Modelling to Characterize Soft Tissue Contributions to Hip Joint Stability and Loading Mechanics 1512 5 $25,000.00
O'Donoghue, Patrick
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RTI A live-cell analysis system for multiplex quantitation and fluorescent imaging 1601 1 $150,000.00
Ouriadov, Alexei
Physics and Astronomy - Physics and Astronomy
RTI Unlocking Simultaneous 129Xe MRI / 15O2 PET Lung and Brain Perfusion Imaging 1605 1 $142,170.00
Pamukoff, Derek
Kinesiology, School of - Kinesiology, School of
RGPIN Examining the influence of mechanical loading on articular cartilage adaptation 1502 5 $28,000.00
Pearce, Joshua
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Applying Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to Open Source Distributed Recycling and Additive Manufacturing of Waste Plastic 1511 5 $64,000.00
Pearce, Joshua
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPNS Applying Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to Open Source Distributed Recycling and Additive Manufacturing of Waste Plastic 1511 5 $10,000.00
Penuela, Silvia
Anatomy and Cell Biology - Anatomy and Cell Biology
RGPIN Pannexin-2 Channel Regulation and Signalling 1501 5 $40,000.00
Pjontek, Dominic
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Development of multiphase reactor technologies for the defossilization of commodity chemicals production 1511 5 $28,000.00
Pruszynski, Andrew
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RGPIN Somatosensory inputs for arm control 1502 5 $47,000.00
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Platform for Advancement of Knowledge for Chromatographic and Photocatalytic Technologies for Applications in Health, Energy and Environment 1511 5 $64,000.00
Ray, Madhumita
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
RGPIN Advancing Resource Recovery from Waste Streams 1509 5 $43,000.00
Sadhu, Ayan
Civil and Environmental Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
RGPIN Next-generation Indirect Bridge Health Monitoring Technology 1509 5 $31,000.00
Schabrun, Siobhan
Health Sciences, Faculty of - Health Sciences, Faculty of
RGPIN The impact of prolonged environmental stress on homeostatic plasticity in the intact human cortex 1502 5 $39,000.00
Seguin, Cheryle
Physiology and Pharmacology - Physiology and Pharmacology
RTI Bioreactor suite to study mechanical loading in skeletal tissues & biomaterials 1601 1 $149,767.00
Shami, Abdallah
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering
RGPIN Building Robust and Optimized Cloud-Native Mobile Networks 1510 5 $76,000.00
Shaw, Gary
Biochemistry - Biochemistry
RGPIN Chemical Biology Approaches to Ubiquitination 1501 5 $56,000.00
Simon, Anne
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Neurogenetic basis of social space determination 1502 5 $39,000.00
Sinnamon, Gord
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Hardy and Fourier Inequalities 1508 5 $18,000.00
Teeter, Matthew
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Imaging tools to quantitatively assess artificial hip joint tribological performance 1512 5 $39,000.00
Theberge, Jean
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Determinants of brain glutamate functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy response 1505 5 $24,000.00
Thiessen, Jonathan
Medical Biophysics - Medical Biophysics
RGPIN Integrating quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure neuroinflammation 1505 5 $34,000.00
Thorn, R Greg
Biology - Biology
RGPIN Fungi of Carolinian Canada 1503 5 $40,000.00
Thorn, R Greg
Biology - Biology
RTI Advanced capacity for analysis of nucleic acids in a shared research space 1603 1 $137,057.00
Wang, Jinfei
Geography - Geography
RGPIN Remote Sensing for Agriculture using UAV and Satellite data with Machine Learning 1506 5 $43,000.00
Whitwell, Robert
Psychology - Psychology
RGPIN Shape constancy in action and perception 1502 5 $26,000.00
Whitwell, Robert
Psychology - Psychology
DGECR Shape constancy in action and perception 1502 1 $12,500.00
Yong, Wenjun
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
DGECR Experimental Studies of Physical Properties in the Fe-Si-S System at Planetary Core P, T Conditions 1506 1 $12,500.00
Yong, Wenjun
Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences
RGPIN Experimental Studies of Physical Properties in the Fe-Si-S System at Planetary Core P, T Conditions 1506 5 $26,000.00
Zhao, Yang
Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Mechanical and Materials Engineering
RTI Ultrasonic Scanner for Solid-state Battey Interface Stability Study 1611 1 $150,000.00
Zitikis, Ricardas
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences - Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
RGPIN Automated Statistical Techniques for Systematic Anomaly Detection in High Frequency Data 1508 5 $24,000.00
Zou, Xingfu
Mathematics - Mathematics
RGPIN Study of some systems from population dynamics and disease transmission dynamics with heterogeneity 1508 5 $31,000.00