Innovate / Joint research calls /
The following funding opportunities support R&D collaborations on topics of national and global importance, including intermittent targeted calls that are funded jointly with other organizations.
Call for proposals: Bioeconomy
A collaborative research partnership between NSERC, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the US National Science Foundation and National Endowment for the Humanities, and funding agencies in Finland, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the United Kingdom to encourage and support international collaborative research on the bioeconomy.
Call for proposals: Climate change and clean energy
A collaborative research partnership between NSERC, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the US National Science Foundation, Australia’s Commonwealth of Science and Innovation Research Organization, and UK Research and Innovation to encourage and support international collaborative research on climate change and clean energy.
Call for proposals: Exploratory analysis for unstructured data
A collaborative research partnership with the Communication Security Establishment Canada (CSE) to fund Research Communities to conduct unclassified research on cutting-edge technologies in areas of strategic importance to CSE and the Government of Canada, focusing on exploratory analysis for unstructured data.
Call for proposals: Robust, secure, and safe artificial intelligence
A collaborative research partnership with the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE) to fund Research Communities to conduct unclassified research on cutting-edge technologies in areas of strategic importance to CSE and the Government of Canada, focusing on robust, secure, and safe artificial intelligence.
NSERC-European Commission – Joint call on quantum technologies
A collaborative research partnership with the European Commission to support advancements in the development of quantum technologies.