2021 Scholarships and Fellowships competition results

The results of NSERC's 2021 Scholarships and Fellowships competition follow. The list is not indexed, so your search depends on the searching capabilities of your Web browser.

Note that these results reflect the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral (PGS D), Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS D) and Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF) in the natural sciences and engineering that were offered for tenure in 2021-22. Since these awards can be accepted or declined as late as January 2022, the actual number of awards accepted fluctuates. NSERC does not post updates to these results, but this information can be found through NSERC's Awards Database.

The list of names is ordered according to the type of award offered:

  • CGS D3/PGS D3 (three-year scholarship tenable during the first five years of doctoral studies); and
  • PDF (two-year postdoctoral fellowship).

Canada Graduate Scholarships are offered to the top-ranked PGS D applicants, as recommended by NSERC’s scholarships and fellowships selection committees. Should any of the initial CGS D offers be declined, NSERC will offer a CGS D to the next most highly ranked applicant awarded a PGS D in the same program and discipline grouping.

Since NSERC must adhere to the provisions of the Privacy Act regarding personal information, only basic award information is provided: name of successful applicant, university and department at time of application, area of proposed research, and the proposed location of tenure.

The proposed location of tenure appears as ? (unknown) if this information is not available for any reason (e.g., the applicant did not provide it on the application or specified two or more choices). CGS D awards are only tenable in a Canadian university; if an applicant wishes to study abroad, the CGS D must be declined.

Note: The annual award values of these awards are indicated below. The numbers of eligible applications evaluated by the NSERC selection committees in this year's competition were:

Awards by category Total Number of awards offered Annual award values
PGS D/CGS D 1845 PGS D 342 $21,000
CGS D 342 $35,000
PDF 760   150 $45,000

Note: Only Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada are eligible for these awards.

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