
Terms and conditions of applying for partner organizations

Before you, as the authorized representative of the partner organization, submit information as part of an application to NSERC, you must read and agree to the following terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to retain a copy of the agreed terms and conditions for your records.

You are certifying that:

  • You have received approval from your organization to participate in this proposal and, if applicable, to commit cash or in-kind contributions.
  • The information your organization provided in the application and related documents is true, complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
  • Your organization agrees with the content of the application and will provide the committed resources.
  • Your organization will inform NSERC immediately, in writing, of any change that affects the participation or eligibility status of the organization.
  • Your organization is aware of the terms and conditions of applying for applicants.

You also confirm that, should the application be awarded:

  • Your organization will comply with the terms and conditions of the grant during tenure of the grant.
  • Your organization will meet financial and reporting requirements specific to the grant or granting program.

NSERC reserves the right to defer or cancel support at any point:

  1. if it finds that progress is unsatisfactory
  2. if the partner organization(s)’ support, as applicable, falls to a level substantially lower than the amount they had committed to at the time of application, or is withdrawn entirely, and the grant recipient cannot find a suitable replacement partner organization
  3. if there is a determination by the Government of Canada of unacceptable national security risk related to the research, the award recipient or co-recipient(s), and/or the partner organization(s), where applicable
  4. if the award recipient or co-recipient(s) and/or partner organization(s), where applicable, are subject to criminal investigations, indictments, or convictions which are related to, or have an impact on, the research
  5. to comply with federal laws, regulations, policies and directives
  6. for other reasons that may arise
  • Your organization is aware of the requirement for grant holders to comply with the relevant provisions of the Tri-agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Your organization is committing to complying with any research requirements in its jurisdiction and will advise NSERC immediately, in writing, of any allegations or findings of breach of any research requirements in the organization by the grant holder.
  • Your organization will strive to provide an environment that supports the best research and that fosters project participants’ abilities to act honestly, accountably, openly and fairly in the search for knowledge. As best practices, you are referred to the Tri-agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research, the Tri-council policy statement: Ethical conduct for research involving humans and the Canadian Council on Animal Care policies, guidelines and recognized standards.
  • Your organization agrees to the release of the public summary as presented in the proposal, including the organization’s name.
  • Your organization will endeavour to obtain the greatest possible benefit to Canada from the resulting activity and will acknowledge NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC support for the project, as applicable.
  • Your organization accepts that non-compliance with, or misrepresentation of, any of these matters may result in actions by NSERC, including the disentitlement to participate in this grant and future collaborations funded by NSERC or the other granting agencies.

Confirmation of acceptance of the terms and conditions

If you have any concerns about your or your organization’s ability to comply with the terms and conditions listed above, contact NSERC staff responsible for the funding opportunity or the officials from the applicant’s institution immediately. Do not agree to the terms and conditions and do not submit your organization’s information until you are certain that you can and will comply with all of the requirements.

I confirm the truth of all statements made by me in this application, and agree to all the terms, conditions, responsibilities and obligations as set out above.

Note: NSERC does not require original signatures on applications or other documents submitted electronically through the Convergence Portal. The electronic submission of applications through this Portal represents approval and replaces the traditional “physical” or “wet” signatures.

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