On January 16, 2024, the Government of Canada published its Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern. This funding opportunity is in scope of this new policy, wherein grant applications that involve conducting research that aims to advance a sensitive technology research area will not be funded if any of the researchers involved in activities supported by the grant are currently affiliated with, or in receipt of funding or in-kind support from, a named research organization. Please read the Tri-agency guidance on the STRAC Policy to understand how this policy may impact your grant application. In addition, if your research involves large international consortia, you are encouraged to consult the related STRAC Policy FAQ regarding the publication and dissemination of research.

Subatomic Physics Discovery Grants program (individual and project)


Duration Individual: Up to five years
Project: Up to three years
Application deadlines August 1, 2024 (notification of intent to apply)
October 1, 2024 (subatomic physics project applications requesting $500,000 or more per year)
November 1, 2024 (application)

Important: Your application must be received at your institution’s research grants office by its internal deadline date; contact your research grants office for that deadline.
How to apply See below
Application forms
Contact Email subatomic@nserc-crsng.gc.ca.

On this page

Important information


The Subatomic Physics (SAP) Discovery Grants program assists in

  • promoting and maintaining a diversified base of high-quality research capability in the natural sciences and engineering in Canadian universities
  • fostering research excellence
  • providing a stimulating environment for research training


The SAP Discovery Grants program supports both ongoing programs of research, with long-term goals (SAP Individual), as well as research projects with long-term visions and short-term objectives (SAP Project). These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances, whether made individually or as a collaboration. Researchers are free to work in the mode most appropriate for the research area.

NSERC recognizes that, while being of a grant-in-aid nature, SAP Discovery Grants must be sufficient to support a program or project of quality research that can have a meaningful impact on the field of study.

Equity, diversity and inclusion

NSERC is acting on the evidence that achieving a more equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is essential to creating the excellent, innovative and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges. This principle informs the commitments described in the Tri-agency statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Applicants are expected to increase the inclusion and advancement of underrepresented groups in the natural sciences and engineering, as one means to enhance excellence in research and training. Where applicable, consideration of sex, gender and diversity in the research design should be addressed in the proposal. EDI considerations should be developed into the rationale for the composition of research teams, including trainees. Ad-hoc expert reviews for large projects (see Review procedures and Selection criteria section below) will be expected to address equity, diversity and inclusion considerations. For more information, refer to the application instructions and the NSERC guide on integrating equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in research.

Note: Research teams or collaborations should strive for a diverse group of team members, including balanced gender representation. EDI considerations should be reflected in the rationale of the team composition and in the designated roles within the team. Moreover, where applicable, applicants should describe how they have implemented and/or will implement strategies and practices to support EDI within the team (e.g., recruitment of team members, management of the team, mentorship, etc.). For more information, applicants should refer to the application instructions and the EDI considerations for research teams.

Data management plan

NSERC is committed to supporting Canadian research excellence by promoting sound research data management and data stewardship practices. Grant proposals submitted to the SAP Discovery Grants program (individual and project) will require a data management plan (DMP). A DMP is a formal document that details the strategies and tools applicants will implement to effectively manage data both during the research project and after its completion.

DMPs contribute to:

  • efficiency, by identifying strategies and potential challenges in advance; developing sound data practices for your research team; preparing data for effective use during your project
  • research quality, by ensuring the reliability and accuracy of data through careful documentation of your data collection, handling and stewardship practices
  • reusability and impact, by improving discoverability, accessibility and reusability of your data by planning for sharing in a repository; and increasing the potential impact of your research

For more information on research data management and DMPs, see the Tri-agency Research Data Management Policy – Frequently Asked Questions, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada’s Training Resources page (notably, the Brief Guide – Create an Effective Data Management Plan).

General eligibility principles

Applicants and co-applicants to the SAP program must meet NSERC’s Eligibility requirements for faculty to apply for or hold grant funds.

Individual grants

  • Researchers can apply for only one Individual Discovery Grant (either SAP or not) at a time.
  • Recipients of SAP Individual Discovery Grants are not restricted to the specific activities described in the application but may pursue new research interests, provided they are within NSERC’s mandate and adhere to the principles and directives governing the appropriate use of grant funds, as outlined in the Tri-agency Guide on Financial Administration..
  • Researchers who hold an Individual Discovery Grant cannot reapply for another Individual Discovery Grant until the last year of their current award.
  • SAP Individual Discovery Grants are awarded for one to five years, the normal duration being five years. Applicants requesting a shorter duration for other reasons must provide strong justification. NSERC may award a grant of the normal duration even if a shorter period is requested.

Project grants

  • Researchers can hold or apply for a SAP Project Discovery Grant, as either an applicant or co-applicant, at the same time as they hold or apply for an Individual Discovery Grant.
  • Researchers can concurrently hold or apply for more than one SAP Project Discovery Grant, as either an applicant or co-applicant.
  • SAP collaborations that hold a Project Discovery Grant cannot reapply for another Project Discovery Grant that relates to the same research program until the last year of their current award.
  • Members of a SAP collaboration who are applying for a SAP Project Grant cannot normally apply for another SAP Discovery Grant to support research activities that are part of the collaboration’s program of research. If you wish to submit a concurrent application, please consult NSERC.
  • When joining a SAP collaboration that is supported by an ongoing SAP Project Grant, researchers can apply for bridging funds through a SAP Project Grant for a duration that would, upon completion, align with the collaboration’s renewal application.
  • Should an applicant apply for bridging grant funds, a letter of support from the primary applicant of the main award must be included, which describes:
    • how the activities in the bridging grant application fit within the scope of the main project;
    • why the proposed activities cannot be supported with funds already awarded to the main project; and
    • what impact an unsuccessful bridging grant application would have on the project.
  • Eligible researchers who wish to join a SAP collaboration without bridging funds can do so by being added as a co-applicant to an existing award at any point throughout the duration of the award. If you wish to add a co-applicant to an existing award, please consult NSERC.
  • SAP Project Grant application must include at least one co-applicant.
  • SAP Project Grants are awarded for one to three years, the normal duration being three years. Applicants requesting a shorter duration must provide strong justification.

Subject matter eligibility and funding from other sources

Applicants to the SAP Discovery Grants program must present a program of research or a research project that is eligible under NSERC’s mandate, which is to promote and assist research in the natural sciences and engineering, other than health. The objectives of the research program or project must be to advance knowledge in the natural sciences or engineering. The application will be rejected if NSERC determines, at any time during the review cycle, that the subject matter is outside of its mandate. Refer to Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency, the Addendum to the guidelines for the eligibility of applications related to health, the Peer review manuals and NSERC Discovery Grants Process for Decisions on Mandate Eligibility for further information on the eligibility of subject matter.

Applicants to the Discovery Grants program must present a program of research or a project that is conceptually distinct from research supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) or the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

NSERC encourages researchers to obtain funds from other sources to support the full costs of the research program or project presented in their Discovery Grant application, as long as the funding source is not CIHR or SSHRC and the funds cover different expenses from the ones proposed in the Discovery Grant application.

Refer to the Peer Review Manuals and Instructions for completing an application for further information.

Applicant categories

Applicants to the Discovery Grants program are categorized as either early career researchers or established researchers. Refer to the Discovery Grants - applicant categories for more information. Applicant categorization is the responsibility of NSERC staff and is based on the information provided by the applicant in the Canadian Common CV (CCV) and application.

Application procedures

To apply for a SAP Discovery Grant, applicants must first submit a SAP notification of intent to apply (NOI) by the deadline date. The NOI is a mandatory step in the application process. It allows NSERC to start the review process (e.g., confirmation of assignment to the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section, selection of appropriate external reviewers and determination of the most appropriate review mechanism for project applications requesting major financial support). Applicants must then submit the application by the deadline date.

Both applicants and co-applicants must complete and submit the NSERC version of the CCV at both the NOI and full application stages for this program. The CCV can be updated following the submission of the NOI and before the submission of the full application.

Review procedures

Applications are reviewed by the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section. For each application, expert input is sought from external reviewers. For any application requesting an average of $1,000,000 per year or more, the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section may also receive input from an expert ad-hoc committee that would perform an evaluation and review of the application. NSERC reserves the right to perform an evaluation and review of any application that applies to the SAP Discovery Grants program, even for requests that are less than an average of $1,000,000 per year. Applicants may be invited to make a presentation during the Large Project Day held every year by the Section. For Large Projects, past messages from the Evaluation Section may be provided to reviewing members.

NSERC assigns SAP Individual applications to the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section and other evaluation groups on the basis of the research topics, the objectives of the proposed research program and advice from the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section and other evaluation groups. NSERC will make the final decision regarding the assignment.

Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed on the basis of the criteria listed below. Each criterion lists the factors that will be considered. The onus is on applicants to thoroughly address each criterion in their application and provide detailed information to the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section. As part of an ongoing commitment to ensure that a wide range of contributions are considered and valued in the merit review, applications will be considered according to the Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring.

  • Scientific or engineering excellence of the researcher or collaboration 
    • knowledge, expertise and experience
    • quality of contributions to, and impact on, the proposed and other areas of research in the natural sciences and engineering
    • importance of contributions to, and use by, other researchers and end-users
    • complementarity of expertise of the members of the team and synergy (where applicable)
  • Merit of the proposal
    • originality and innovation; extent to which the proposal suggests and explores novel or potentially transformative concepts and lines of inquiry
    • significance and expected contributions to research; potential for technological impact
    • clarity and scope of objectives
    • clarity and appropriateness of methodology
    • feasibility
    • extent to which the scope of the proposal addresses all relevant issues, including the need for varied expertise within or across disciplines
  • Contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel (HQP)
    • quality and impact of past contributions to the training of HQP (e.g., postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, technicians), including
      • training environment provided for HQP
      • HQP awards and research contributions
      • outcomes and skills gained by HQP
    • quality, suitability and clarity of the planned training of HQP, including
      • overall training philosophy
      • research training plan for individual HQP
    • consideration of equity, diversity and inclusion in past and planned training of HQP
  • Need for funds
    • appropriateness of, and justification for, the budget
    • explanation of the relationship between other sources of funding, held or applied for, and the current application
    • special needs related to the nature of collaborative activities or infrastructure costs, such as user fees

Data Management Plans (DMPs) will not be part of the scoring or the formal evaluation of the application; however, reviewers will be asked to provide feedback to support applicants. DMPs should describe how applicants will manage research data generated throughout the research lifecycle, including:

  • Data collection: what and how data will be collected, created, linked to, acquired and/or recorded
  • Documentation and metadata: how data will be documented and formatted
  • Storage and backup: how data will be stored during the research project
  • Data preservation: where data will be deposited for long-term preservation and access
  • Sharing and reuse: whether and how the data will be shared and the potential for the data to be reused
  • Responsibilities and resources: data management task roles and responsibilities (applicant and research team, as appropriate), succession planning and resources required to implement the DMP
  • Ethics and legal compliance: the ethical, legal and commercial constraints to which the data are subject

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